Our beloved Stanley passed away April 15, 2015 just shy of his 14th birthday. It was a great loss for our family.
We have been celebrating Stanley’s life by writing poems, drawing mandalas and creating an altar.
Stanley lived with, and was adored by three generations of our family. My grandchildren Kai , age 9, & Lotus, age 7, (and Leilani for the last year) grew up with Stanley as an integral part of their lives.
Kai & Lotus wanted to share our love for Stanley with everyone.
Here are our offerings to Stanley. May his spirit run free!
Grandpa’s Poem
Missing Stanley (Under the Waning Crescent Moon).
Fully exhaled, I bow below the darkening moon.
Visible barely, but brightly in predawn dark.
Inhaling, I grow in dignity as I wax toward fullness.
Darkening Moon Goddess understands the hurts of my heart,
Shedding sorrow in the womb of her limitless compassion.
Mother Moon’s emptying body provides…
This moment is all about the fresh dew of possibilities.
Stanley’s love, waiting to burst forth.
Mandala of Stanley’s Spirit by Lotus
Lotus & Kai’s Poem
Stanley & His Great Loving Heart.
Stanley was the most loving dog ever.
He had a great & loving heart .
He had enough love to fill the entire ocean.
He loved everyone with his whole wagging body.
People, dogs & cats all received his wet, warm kisses.
He also loved the ocean, coconuts & swimming.
He really loved swimming for coconuts.
Which he opened and shared with other dogs and us to eat.
He lived a long time & was sweet, kind and loving until the end.
When Stanley died I felt a deep ache in my heart.
It ached because all of Stanley’s love was flowing into my heart.
Where he will live and love for the rest of my life .
Relephant Reads:
Wag Your Tail: A Poetic Musing on Life and the Death of my Dog Ruby.
Author: Daniel Atchison-Nevel
Editor: Renee Jahnke
Image: Author’s Own
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