May 5, 2015

Luscious Self-Care Mantras to Live By.

Truth be told, I’ve been taking pretty piss-poor care of myself lately.

Between working extra-long hours and beating myself up in small pockets of downtime, I’m downright exhausted. But I keep pushing wearily onward, thinking that once I get everything done, I’ll rest. Then I’ll indulge in some self-care. But the truth is: self-care isn’t an indulgence, it’s a daily necessity. And I can’t put it off any longer.

Enough is enough!

I deserve better. We all do. Let’s take a fierce stand for our well-being with these luscious mantras. As we read each one, let’s make a sacred promise to ourselves. A promise to bow down to our gem-like worth, every damn day. A promise to respect the glittering gorgeousness of our minds, bodies and spirits. A promise to put our needs first for a f*cking change!

And yes, we will absolutely fail. We will fail at life and at self-care. That’s okay; it’s perfect and beautiful and necessary. But let’s get a little bolder and keep coming back for more.

Let’s read these yummy mantras each morning and bravely return to ourselves again and again with as much velvety soft, soufflé-like tenderness as humanly possible.

Say ’em with me, in a sweet howl if you dare:

I will remember silence; the golden value of sipping a hot cup of tea and just being.

I will respect my body’s limits like a roaring mama lioness protectively defending her sweet babies.

I will savor time alone like liquid milk chocolate and sink into the watery depths of my succulent soul.

I will pour myself a freshly-squeezed glass of juicy compassion every morning, honoring my flaws, strengths, weaknesses and everything in between.

I will gobble up delicious downtime—without a side of guilt.

I will remember the incredible strength inside and trust the phoenix-like feathers in my resilient heart.

I will squeeze my hand supportively on good days, brilliant moments, bad days and heartbreaking moments, too.

I will speak to myself with luscious, whipped-cream softness.

I will shout my truths to the world boldly, letting the words fly out of my mouth like bright blue butterflies.

I will say “no” kindly and firmly.

I will say “yes” with unstoppable passion and kitten-like curiosity.

I will play and laugh and be silly, bringing ginormous cartwheels of joy to my own heart.

I will remember to breathe. Slow, delicious inhales. Fierce, cathartic exhales.

I will carry unwavering seeds of self-love in my heart’s pocket, honoring that love even when I’m curled up in a ball on the floor, tear-stained, shaking, and scared as f*ck.

Because more than anything, I will be there—unquestionably and incredibly fiercely—for me.

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author: Sarah Harvey

Image: Henri Meilhac/Unsplash

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