Who hasn’t had a time in their life when they wanted someone so badly they thought they saw them sitting at a nearby table, driving in a car in the next lane or even lounging in so anonymous a place as a movie theater?
I have certainly felt that deep yearning many times.
This poem is based on the real-life experience I had of actually “seeing” myself at another table in the corner of a small Italian restaurant while I was in that very restaurant by myself. The fantasy was so real, so vivid and so mesmerizing that I was even able to picture the dress I was wearing.
I carried that imaginary scene—the one of me and the table in the corner and the green strapless dress—in my heart for years, and then, it came true.
Oh, yes. It came true.
Proving to me that dreams and fantasies are not only such, but that they can be prophesies as well…
She went to a small Italian Restaurant
glanced at a corner table
and saw herself there
in her little green strapless dress.
Was that him sitting across the table from her?
She has been looking for him—
for a man to have dinner with
at that table
in that little Italian restaurant
She has been looking for a man who
appreciates the sensuality of
soft lights,
deep reds,
delicious food and
delicious conversation.
Was that him at the end of the bar?
Sitting there, listening to her?
Attentive. Interested. Kind.
She has been looking for him,
for a man with stories to tell and
a view of the world he is willing to share
She sees him everywhere,
sitting outside the post office,
in the car in the lane next to hers,
at the theater in the seat
two rows down.
She saw herself there
in the theater,
sitting next to him
in her little green strapless dress.
Was that him holding her hand?
Relephant Read:
He Leaves His Kiss There. {Poem}
Author: Carmelene Siani
Editor: Toby Israel
Photo: Danielle_Blue/Flickr // Sara/Flickr
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