January 26, 2016

Yukon Health Agency Urges Residents to “Get the D.”

girl, sun, light, heart

A public health campaign initiated by the Yukon Health and Social Services turned into a pubic health campaign.

Hilarious promotional material encouraging residents to boost their Vitamin D levels includes a poster stating “We all need the D. Even me!” alongside a smiling mom in a multicultural huddle.

A logo near the bottom of each ad asked the highly personal question, “How do you do the D?”

While a spokesperson for the Yukon Health and Social Services says that their marketing team knew that “the D” was slang for dick, but didn’t expect the high degree of smuttiness of the general public. When Internet hilarity ensued, the campaign pulled out. It was swiftly replaced with the asexual “Did you take your Vitamin D today?”

While Vitamin D deficiencies are no laughing matter, and are linked to issues with the immune system, bone health and even cancer, these well-meaning ads provoked a bevy of quips.

Yukon-born comedian Jenny Hamilton responded to the campaign on Twitter, tweeting, “This Yukoner overdosed on ‘the D’ in Jr. high. Made me a lesbian.”

Other slogans considered by the Yukon included:

“Side effects of not getting The D include irritability, depression and low birth rates.”

“Are your kids getting enough of the D?”

“For optimum health, swallow the D daily.”


Author: Lynn Shattuck

Editor: Catherine Monkman

Photo: Sharon/Flickr

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