February 23, 2016

Lessons from the Grave during Desperate Times.

savasana eyes closed lay down breathe death think

There are some days, weeks or months that bring more challenges than others.

Whether it be illnesses or tragedies in our families, work upsets, relationship issues or mercury in retrograde—one thing is promised—that a simple and effortless flow on the river of life will occasionally be met with unpredictable rapids that shake us to the very core of our being.

It is these difficult times where it usually proves challenging for us to stay our more centered selves, and may be when we exhibit behavior we may not be proud of.

While it is important that we feel and honor all of our emotions, there can be more desperate times when our feelings may become a bucking bronco we can hardly stay on top of.

This little cure may come in handy: think of your obituary.

Maybe you find the thought morbid, but when life is hard and we are challenged to find our greater good, sometimes it helps to get out of that “present” moment—just for a moment.

Ask yourself: if people wrote of me after my death, what would I want my obituary to say about my qualities in this moment?

Fell endlessly into grief and wasn’t able to attend to other loves in her life, or, was able to show love and compassion even when she was struggling the most.

Complained endlessly about every physical ache, pain and wrong that had been done to her, or, moved through life and its struggles with grace and compassion for others—even when she was suffering.

Could not be counted on when the chips were down, or, was someone with whom most friends felt comfortable sharing their innermost angst.

Had difficulty seeing the rainbows for the clouds, or, strived to find a glimmer of hope, even in the darkest of times.

Put everyone’s needs before her own, or, was an example of self-care and appropriate boundaries.

Or take it one step further: write out your own obituary.

Put some relaxing music on.

Set your timer to practice even, centering breathing for five to 10 minutes, just focusing on your breath in the here and now, and remembering a feeling of appreciation or love.

Then write from the heart.

Turn the thinking brain off and turn your heart and feeling energy on and write what comes to you. Not about your concrete accomplishments, but about the traits and characteristics you want to embody.

The “you” that you know is there but sometimes lose track of during difficult days.

Help yourself live the life you will one day look back on with love and understanding. Accepting the imperfect messes that catapult us through life, but with the knowledge that you were mindful of working towards a more peaceful you.




Relephant Read: 

10 Quotes for When I Lose my Sh*t & Want to Throw in the Spiritual Towel. 


Author: Becky Aud-Jennison 

Apprentice Editor: Lindsay Carricarte / Editor: Catherine Monkman

Image: Amy Treasure/Unsplash

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