April 13, 2016

Creating our True Selves One Step at a Time.

self artist recreate erase half girl drawing deviantart

As a child, I wanted security and an escape from a chaotic childhood.

I looked at other kids and their parents and saw their lives as calm and easy. From what I saw, I believed that a stable life was found in a nine-to-five job where I would have defined goals, a steady paycheck and structure.

Even though I loved music and art I grew up thinking these hobbies were only fun and that I would never have a prosperous or stable life doing what I loved.

As an adult, I started to feel trapped by the life I had chosen. I abandoned theater, art and anything fun. I started working for others and eventually felt limited in where I could go or what I could do professionally. I started asking myself what I needed to do to create a different life, but I was scared and confused. How could I use my other skills to create the life I wanted?

I started looking for inspiration to create change and truly manifest what I wanted. It’s quite funny how, with perfect timing, I always come across a great quote just when I really need it. It was comforting to know that others had been in my shoes before me and I could learn from their wisdom. The words were just enough for me to pause and reflect on how I the changes I was planning in my life to set myself up for success. I am still working on making all those changes in my life, but here are a few quotes that inspired action, along with what I have learned along the way.

“A lot of people are afraid to say what they want. That’s why they don’t get what they want.” ~ Madonna

We often limit ourselves with our current beliefs of what is not possible or what seems too good to be true. We often fear that we are asking for more than we deserve.

Anyone can tell you that you are worth asking for whatever you want, however, you must also believe it yourself. I have noticed when I am afraid to ask for what I want, it’s really me saying that I’m not worth it. Once I recognized that I can have, do or be anything I was able to dream big and make my wishes a reality.

“If you want something you’ve never had then you’ve got to do something you’ve never done.” ~ Thomas Jefferson

Changing our daily habits and routines can be difficult and even scary. However, small changes can create big results and get you moving in the right direction. When I wanted to live a healthier life, I started eating fruit for breakfast rather than a fast food burrito. When I wanted a happier relationship, I started complimenting my boyfriend rather than criticizing his behaviors.

What is your plan to do something different? Develop your plan for action and imagine the positive outcomes. Create a checklist of what you want to accomplish for the day and start working through it. Our thoughts, feelings, words and actions are subconsciously asking the universe for what we want. The universe only knows how to answer yes to any request. If we do not believe we can have it, then the universe will deliver as it is told.

“The greater the obstacle the more glory in overcoming it.” ~ Moliere

This was the perfect quote for when I expected my plan to go off without any hiccups. Being in the middle of an uncomfortable crisis made me feel my life was over. As a recovering perfectionist, it took me a long time to realize that obstacles were a blessing and not a failure.

If you give up when things get tough, then you will miss out on the incredible rewards. Seek out mentors, friends, or someone that you trust to help guide you through it. Learning what others faced and seeing that they have thrived is further encouragement for you to keep moving forward.

“When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be. When I let go of what I have, I receive what I need.” ~ Tao Te Ching

I always thought I had to plan every little detail of how I would turn my dreams into reality. I had little faith or trust that anything would happen without my tight control of the details. When we give up the need to control and define the “how,” we invite in the magic of the universe to help us create the life of which we dream. We can free ourselves from the stress and anxiety of “what if” and allow things to unfold at the perfect time.

Finally, when I want to give up, crawl under the covers and hide from the world, I remember this quote from Albert Einstein:

“Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving.”

We may think only of the risks and what we may lose if we take that leap of faith. In reality the risk is well worth the reward.


Author: Julie Barr

Editor: Catherine Monkman

Photo: Sarick Banana/Deviantart 

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