April 7, 2016

Deep Self Care. {A Video Teaching}

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We were at a dinner party. Lovely people. Delicious food.

After the meal had settled, our host brought around a platter of homemade cookies. “They’re not gluten-free,“ she said while proffering the plate of steamy, chocolate delights.

“No thank, you,” said Devi, “I’ll just breathe in their aroma. Mmmm.”

Devi was saying no and she was also saying a Big Yes.

She said no to the delicious cookies (and she does love chocolate) while simultaneously saying a Big Yes to her well-being. She embraced her love of chocolate without biting into the cookies.

She gave a Big Yes to the deep pleasure of self-care while saying no to any sense of deprivation or lack. That was what made her Mmmm so delicious.

Whenever you say yes in life, you’re also saying no.
And vice versa. Yes and No, like Yin and Yang, Day and Night…are linked together.

But, not every yes is a Big Yes.
Not every no is a Big No.

Knowing the difference matters—to your health, your wealth, and your awakening.
So, what is the Big Yes and the Big No?

That’s what this video/meditation is about.

In this talk/meditation, we embark on a deep journey into the Big Yes and the Big No—describing how both promote your spiritual awakening. The video includes chanting, music, teaching, and guided practice.

Big No Big Yes from Wisdom Heart on Vimeo.

What about you?

Where in your life are you saying a Big Yes or a Big No?

Please share your insights below.





Author: Eric Klein

Editor: Travis May

Photo: Video Still

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