April 4, 2016

Vows. {Poem}

author's photo: Janelle Huopalainen (not for re-use)

Love me

when I am faded
and grey

when the lines
on my face
tell the story
of my life

when the scars
on my skin
sing of past wounds

love me

when my body
grows tired

when I am weak

when I make
those mistakes

and need to hear
it’s okay…

love me

when I feel small
and the world
swallows me

and I drown
in my fears

love me

when I am triumphant

when I stretch
and grow
and sway
with the wind

love me

when my heart
is full

when I embrace life
and cry
happy tears

love me


for all
that I have been

all that I am
and will be

and if
you don’t—

I will.


**Author’s note: This is a poem asking for a promise of unconditional love, which is ultimately given as self love.


Author: Janelle Huopalainen

Editor: Yoli Ramazzina

Photo: Author’ own.

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Janelle Huopalainen