November 23, 2016

A Sweet Way to Slow Down & Restore Ourselves Daily. {Partner}

Gaia yoga every day 1

This is a post written by Gaia—an elephant partner. We’re honored to work with anyone who is this dedicated to the yoga lifestyle and living the conscious life.  ~ Ed.


At Gaia we believe yoga is a lifestyle, a way to live on and off the mat.

Our passion is to offer yoga practices, documentaries, films and talks that go beyond exercise to stoke the mind, evoke joy and inspire your spirit.

It’s an experience of discovery that ultimately brings us back to the true meaning of yoga.

Practice yoga on Gaia anywhere, anytime with your favorite streaming yoga videos. Roll out your mat and choose your style, amount of time you have to practice, your teacher and level to get started. No matter where you are in your yoga journey, beginner to advanced, we have a selection for you. Empower your life with the power of yoga.

Yoga Every Day is a series of 15-minute yoga practices released daily, Monday through Friday on Gaia.com. Designed as a daily drop-in to connect and center, the practices feature a sweet combination of asana, meditation and inspiration to begin your day. This season, Nichole and Steph are joined by special guest teacher Rodney Yee. As the weather officially chills, your time on your mat is even more important. Take a cue from nature and slow down, rest, and restore with your daily yoga practice on Gaia.


Now’s the time to join Gaia and start practicing.

From now until the end of the year you’ll find unlimited yoga with the best teachers in the world for only 99 cents.


The Integration of Opposites with Rodney Yee:

Taking his first yoga class in 1980, Rodney Yee is now one of the most recognized yoga teachers in the world and is considered a pioneer of yoga in the United States. Rodney practices and teaches yoga to bring philosophy into action and to unveil the natural beauty of our spirits. He loves the ability of yoga to cleanse the mind and body which allows for presence of being.

Spend 15 minutes a day with Rodney Yee and play with the opposites of rooting and rising, effort and ease, as you open up on your mat physically, mentally, and spiritually.



Beyond the Outer Shell with Nichole Golden:

We are more than just our physical body or thoughts—we are divine beings.

So when we say there is more to us than we think, we are considering the idea that we are more than our bodies, more than our thoughts, more than the different roles we play in our lives. And that within each of us lives a divine aspect of ourselves that is everlasting. Yoga helps to create conversation about and connection to this aspect.

Nichole is a free-spirited, loving soul inspired by the magic and mystery of life. She has been teaching yoga since 2007 and also enjoys being in nature, cooking, writing and poetry.



The Inner Path of Yoga with Steph Schwartz:

With so much exposure to social media these days, it’s easy to get caught up in the cosmetic aspects of the asana practice. However, the asana is really designed to draw our senses inward. Your week with Steph will help you use your yoga practice to delve deep into this rich and everlasting internal world.

A yoga and Kirtan warrior and a humble servant of the community, Steph loves to help people realize their awesomeness through dynamic yoga flows and heart-opening chants.



A Gratitude Journey with Nichole Golden

Gratitude doesn’t always come easy and is a practice, just like anything else. Embodying gratitude requires space to explore in order to let it course through you more authentically. Nothing is worse than a forced giving of thanks to your life. This week of practice will allow you to see gratitude as a carefully curated process rather than something that you should do or be.



Editor: Catherine Monkman


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