November 14, 2016

Governor Cuomo of New York has a Strong message for those Under Attack.

Cuomo screenshot 1

“Amid reports of harassment and threats directed at minorities and immigrants in the wake of Donald Trump’s election victory, New York Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo said on Saturday that his State is a refuge for those who feel they are under attack.” ~ The Washington Post


When I read Governor Cuomo’s statement on his Facebook page, I was moved by his glowing words of support and commitment. I felt his courage, his determination and his unwillingness to be bullied.

The Governor’s great vision stood before me:

New York holds a fundamentally different philosophy than Donald Trump and can be a place of refuge for those who feel they are under attack. This is at the core of what they believe and who they are. There is no room for immigrants to be attacked.

The Governor goes on to list the State’s proud accomplishments of raising the minimum wage and voting for paid family leave and equal marriage.

By the time I was finished reading his words, I wished I lived in New York too.

But then I realized something: The letter isn’t describing only the State and people of New York—it also described the will of the people of the United States at large.

Donald Trump did not actually win the majority vote. His candidacy represents the viewpoints of the minority, not the majority.

It is true that while laws may differ from state to state, the spirit of Cuomo’s statement lives in the heart and minds of the majority of Americans.

If I may expand upon the Governor’s letter, it would say this:

The [majority of the people in the United States of America] …have fundamentally different philosophies than what Donald Trump laid out in his campaign.  If anyone feels that they are under attack, [this country]—the [country] that has the Statue of Liberty in its harbor––is their refuge. Whether you are gay or straight, Muslim or Christian, rich or poor, black or white or brown, [the majority of United States citizens] respect all people. It’s the very core of what we believe and who [we] are. …We are [country] of migrants…and [the majority] of us will stand up for you.

Thank you, Governor Cuomo, for being a political leader who speaks the words that so many of us feel have been silenced.

As far as I am concerned, when it comes to having fundamentally different philosophies than what Donald Trump laid out in his campaign—most Americans are New Yorkers.


Relephant Bonus Videos:


Author: Carmelene Siani

Image: Video Still

Editor: Travis May





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