Three Things we must do right now in view of a Trump Presidency:
- Face the facts (see below). Don’t ignore or whitewash.
- Don’t push away the pain. Allow yourself to feel the feels.
- Find your purpose through service that is joy. This is our silver lining.
Mindful bonus from Waylon & elephant community, today:
Tonight we lost four years of fighting climate change. And we’re already out of time. Trump has promised to build a wall that would cost billions, that experts and local ranchers alike say isn’t possible and won’t work, anyways. He’s promised to undo the agreement with Iran to cease their nuclear program. He’s promised to tear apart Obamacare, and with it end coverage for 20 million folks. He’ll seek revenge against everyone who’s ever slighted him. In an era of fake news vs. real facts, he’s promised to loosen laws protecting journalists from lawsuits by powerful monied interests like his donor Peter Thiel, an expert in that arena. Trump and his supporters are no fan of equal rights. Enjoy that < 5% unemployment, ’cause now it’s back to trickle-down economics. His penchant for wars on twitter will now extend to his role as commander-in-chief—he could make Bush’s Iraq war, with death and economic devastation and terrorism in its wake, look like nothing.
I’m a writer, and I like paragraph breaks, but I’m just getting going through his basic to-do list.
Tonight, we voted to bend the arc of history backward. If we were a little nation, it’d be our loss. But this is the world’s loss. Fascists and dictators everywhere are, tonight, heartened. We could have had Hillary. We just had Michelle as first lady. Instead we’ll have Donald, and Melania—who modeled nude, illegally in the US, and plagiarized her speech from our beloved do-goodering fun first lady. Ironic doesn’t cover it.
The only silver lining: in the wake of any great tragedy, it is impossible, as it would have been, to take a liberal platform and competent leadership for granted. It is now on you, and me, to do more than we wanted to do.
So cry. Dream nightmarish dreams. Meditate. Breathe deep. Then—get up and get out there and work and play to create a kind world. Let’s Make America Better and Better, Again.
The only silver lining: millions of decent Americans will wake up tomorrow inspired to do more good than we would have been, otherwise. For we are now living in the shadow of a bad man.
Thanks, Obama. I’ll miss you. You were the President of a lifetime.
Instead of running away, we work harder. Instead of fighting, we peace harder. Instead of fighting hate with hate, we…love harder.
— Waylon Lewis (@elephantjournal) November 9, 2016
Mindful bonus:
Mindful bonus: now, more than ever:
We might need this right about now:
Or, this:
Now, more than ever—help locally.
From earlier today:
Get involved:
Timeless talk:
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