December 10, 2016

“When are you getting a Real Job?” A Millennial’s Letter to her Concerned Dad.

About once a month, my 72-year-old father asks, “When are you getting a real job?”

He’s never read any of my books. He’s never read any of my blog posts. He barely knows what I do on a daily basis to run my business that helps companies with their written content.

My dad adores me, and I know he wants the best for me, but to him that means one thing: a nine to five job with benefits.

I wrote him an email to clarify what I’m trying to do. Here’s a version of that email. This is for all of us entrepreneurs trying to do something big, something of substance and influence. Never give up on a dream, just because it’s the misunderstood path and not the “normal.”

Dear Dad,

I know not working at a corporate, “stable” job causes you anxiety. Sometimes it causes me anxiety, too. A steady paycheck with insurance benefits sounds nice. However, I don’t think you understand what I’m trying to do.

I’m an entrepreneur. I am pushed to build my own thing—my own company and brand.

For years, I’ve wanted to make a living [insert your dream job here]. And finally, I’m super focused on it and know it’s time. I will do anything to make this work.

You implied on the phone that I’m not working. All I practically do is work.

The past two weeks I’ve put in about 160 hours alone building a new website and reaching out to brands. (Forget the time I spent doing work for my business that makes money.) An hour or three surfing or skating or climbing each day is the only time I’m not physically working. All day long I tinker with my vision—constantly brainstorming ideas.

I’m aware [insert your business venture] is not generating direct income yet, but it takes time to build, and I’m doing everything I can to do just that. If in a couple years it totally tanks, then I’ll figure something else out.

And I know I’m a damn talented [insert profession].

I understand from where you’re coming. You don’t want to worry about me. You want me to be financially successful. As I do, too. Our paths are different, but the end goal is similar.

I’m not out here just dicking around—know that. I am going to make this happen, because I believe in what I do. And the kind of job you rather me have—that would kill me. I would be miserable. I don’t want to build someone else’s dream and business.

I’m building my own.

With love,

Your Millennial Child


Author: Sabrina Must 

Image: Foundry / Pixabay

Editor: Sara Kärpänen

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