January 23, 2017

The Question I am Asking Myself Today. ~ Kino MacGregor

A photo posted by Kino MacGregor (@kinoyoga) on

They marched in rain.

They marched in snow. They marched in sun.

They wore pink hats, sneakers, high heels, and short shorts. They are millions of women, of sisters, of people who believe in a future of equality.

I cried when I watched Ashley Judd speak the heartbreaking truth that tampons are taxed but viagra isn’t.

I cried when I saw videos of the Women’s March with hundreds of thousands of marchers, a sea of people as far as the eye could see, standing up for the world they believe in.

Say what you want about me, call me a liberal pig or nasty woman, or unfollow me or whatever, but I don’t believe women’s equality is a liberal or conservative issue.

If only we could put down our politically-polarized hats and see the people.

To see the women, the men, the children for who they are: real human beings whose feelings get hurt, people who desire love and peace and respect, people who are worthy of equal treatment, people whose dreams have value and merit. Then I think we can agree that it’s time for women (and human beings of all races, religions, colors or creeds to get equal pay for equal work, to not be afraid to speak our minds, threatened and called derogatory names.

It’s now time for us to stand up as a society and do the right thing. It’s time for us to wake up to some self-evident truths.

I believe in a world where truth wins out, where love conquers all, where every person desires peace and goodness.

And I am willing to fight for it every single day of my entire life, to tirelessly work for it and never give up.

I’ve always wanted to make a difference in the world.

The question I am asking myself today is this:

Have I done enough and what else is left for me to do?

And the answer seems to be that it’s only just beginning.


Author: Kino Macgregor

Image: Author’s Own

Editor: Sara Kärpänen

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