Whether Astrology is science or magic, we’re open to most things, if they may be of benefit. ~ Ed.
On February 26th, there will be a powerful solar eclipse and New Moon in the enchanting zodiac sign of Pisces.
This celestial event will offer a magnificent backdrop for us to begin manifesting a new, unique and exquisite existence.
Eclipses affect Earth’s electromagnetic field and this disruption affects everything on Earth, including human beings. Our own electromagnetic field alters so that our energy resonates with the new frequency incoming from the universe.
Therefore, in the days before the eclipse, we can expect to sense these changes in the atmosphere and we will notice our emotions, thoughts and feelings reacting (and overreacting) until they find a harmonic balance. We will remain in this transformational energy phase for approximately six months until the eclipse season comes to an end on August 21st.
Eclipses are doors that swing open wide so that we can enter a new, cosmically-charged, higher dimension. They signify the closing of the previous chapter of our lives and the beginning of a brand new one.
Solar eclipses give us the energetic push we need so that we manifest the fresh starts we have been trying to create and so that we listen to, and trust, our soul’s knowledgable whispers. Eclipses are a reminder that our soul is aware of our destiny and inherently knows which roads will lead to true love and the fulfillment of our mission and purpose.
If we are willing to pay attention and work with the cosmic energy this eclipse cycle, it will be beneficial for our evolution and will be profoundly healing. To heal our emotional injuries, we need to focus on nourishing the rejected, unloved and unaccepted aspects of our selves by calling and embracing forgiveness, sensitivity, compassion and empathy.
The New Moon and eclipse arrive together to illuminate the need to let go of old trauma so that painful wounds can be soothed and healed and our energy can focus on creating new, healthy loving experiences.
Pisces is the sign of surrender and release, which means we should try to resist the desire to control and manipulate events and instead breathe deeply with faith that the universe will safely guide our souls on their way.
Pisces rules the oceans, so during this New Moon we will feel as though we are swimming in refreshing, renewing, cleansing energy. It is a reminder to go with the flow and to stop trying to fight against the current.
The most important thing to remember is that with Pisces, Neptune and the solar eclipse absolutely anything is possible. Those who question whether magic exists will catch themselves thinking again as they won’t be able to find logical explanations for the mystical events taking place throughout this period.
Therefore, it is wise to release tension and resistance, and to surrender to the love and opportunities meant for us.
Fortunately, this can work miracles in the love department of our lives as we raise our heart’s vibration to match the high vibration coming from the universe. The energies are supportive of moving new and old relationships to a higher level. Once our energy has risen, only those whose energies are on that same high frequency will resonate and magnetically attract.
If we attune to the universe’s healing energy, we will no longer attract friendships or relationships with those who wish to cause us trouble or harm and whose energy is on a much lower frequency. We have learned the hard way that the more fearlessly we love ourselves, the more peace, pleasure and love we will attract in return.
It is imperative that we keep our soul energized by investing in our emotional, mental, physical and spiritual health. We will feel pulled to either start, or to focus more intently, on creative pursuits such as art, dancing, singing, writing or we may take up yoga, meditation, learning a musical instrument or spending more time in nature.
We will notice we are sensing every nuance in the vibrational energy around us and will be absorbing the thoughts and feelings from people near and far. This may cause temporary moments of turbulence as we figure out which emotions belong to us and which belong to other people.
We will discover that we have been carrying around a lot of heavy, emotional energy that belongs to our friends, lovers or relatives and we will recognize that it is time to off-load it and to stop feeling responsible for how other people feel.
Otherworldly Pisces radiates a potent feminine, highly sensitive, divine energy and sends an imperative message that advises us to take time to reconnect with our inner selves and meditate, or simply rest and relax to ensure we don’t become overwhelmed from absorbing too many external stimuli.
Our ability to intimately connect with others through energetic vibrations gives us a deep insight into our relationships and strengthens the bonds we have with those we are close to, as we understand how they are feeling through empathizing and trusting in the sensory, telepathic connections that are enhanced by the Pisces New Moon.
The mysterious and spiritual, blue planet Neptune, which rules Pisces, will be resting close to this New Moon.
Neptune is the planet of illusions and the subconscious and it can make us feel surreal, as though we are spellbound, existing in a dreamlike state. Our minds will be full of fantasy and wonder, and we will feel empowered and limitless as though we can achieve anything our imaginations can conjure.
Neptune will positively influence everything we do during this ethereal Pisces phase. Therefore, it is essential that we keep our selves open so that we can receive the unexpected during this rare celestial event that will be delivering an abundance of pleasant shocks and surprises.
The overall message during this solar eclipse and New Moon: If we courageously open our hearts and choose love, despite our fears, our past has the chance to heal, and the universe kindly rewards us by offering us more opportunities to give and receive love.
It is recommended that intentions for new beginnings are set within 24 hours of the New Moon so that they can be carried with the momentum of this intensified universal energy.
Please click here to learn more about how eclipse season can affect you.
Author: Alex Myles
Image: Christopher Campbell/Unsplash.com
Editor: Travis May
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