October 13, 2017

10 Ways to Love a Free Spirit.


“Love her but leave her wild.” ~ Atticus

They love the world, they love experiences, and they love love.

There’s no manual on how to love a free spirit right, but I can share with you some helpful pointers that will keep that spirit free and happy.

  1. Kill the expectations: Your free spirit is not a movie or a book. They are far more complex. You can’t guess where their sentence is going or even what their intentions may be. You’ll just end up putting them into a box. Have an expectation? They will do just the opposite to prove you wrong. Kill your expectations—they are too unpredictable for that sh*t.
  2. Don’t be a parent: They aren’t looking for a babysitter, mentor, or parent. They are looking for a lover. And there is a thin line between offering advice and parenting. Accept the fact that they will have to make their own decisions at the end of each day. If they do not stay true to themselves, they of all people will go mad. They may seem scattered or even indecisive at times, but isn’t that part of their charm? The sometimes disheveled, always unpredictable nature that drew you in? They have to make decisions in their own time and in their own ways.
  3. Don’t plan for them: You can’t plan a free spirit’s life. They may not have a crystal clear picture of where they are going or what they want to do. Once again, they need to figure this out for themselves—you cannot do it for them. They tend to follow their heart, and a heart’s desire simply cannot be planned out.
  4. Space is a good thing: Allow them the time and space to be alone. Not because they do not love you, but because they also love themselves and their interests. Give them the time to cultivate their interests and passions that they will later excitedly share with you.
  5. Accept their eccentricities: Don’t be a buzzkill. Part of a free spirit’s charm is their eccentric and carefree nature. Don’t fall for this part of them and then become annoyed when they turn serious. They are who they are, and they probably won’t change themselves for you.
  6. Entertain interesting and challenging conversations with them: Free spirits are always checking out new ideologies and exploring new thoughts. Don’t condemn them to a mundane, singular way of thinking. They are here to explore and try to understand and experience as much as they can squeeze into their lifetime. Explore new thoughts with them, even if you don’t agree yourself.
  7. Don’t become “regulars:” Sure, going to the same coffee shop and knowing exactly what to order is nice, but don’t let this become the picture of your life. Let your free spirited lover explore. Take them new places, experience new things together. There are few things worse than predictability to them.
  8. Be their biggest support: A common misconception is the constant comparison of being a free spirit and being a broke ass “gypsy” that never truly has a home or a job. Being a gypsy is cool and all, but that doesn’t mean they will never work a 9 to 5. Sure, they are more apt to work independently, but don’t count them out from the “typical American work day.” But always be sure to push them to pursue their true passions outside of the office. Don’t let them give up on their dreams, because I promise those dreams run a lot deeper than their little office job can give them. And nothing gives a free spirit more of a high than doing what they love and having a partner who not only supports, but pushes them toward that dream.
  9. Leave your comfort zone: Your free spirit probably sacrifices some things for your comfort: going to the same Mexican restaurant for the third date night in a row, coming home to watch the same show as you always do, and eating your favorite meal for the third time that week. Meet them in the middle sometimes. Every now and then make sure you step out of your comfort zone and let them experience something new. Enjoy these experiences with them. Nothing great ever happens in a comfort zone.
  10. Don’t crush their dreams: Last, but certainly not least, I can guarantee if you are in a relationship with a free spirit, they have some big ass dreams. Don’t mock or belittle these dreams—no matter how wild they may seem. Believe in them and trust their process.

Author: Emily Cutshaw
Image: Bryce Loren Windom
Editor: Travis May
Copy Editor: Catherine Monkman
Social Editor: Waylon Lewis

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