October 29, 2017

She’s a Paradox. {Poem}

Who am I?

What’s my best quality, my worst? These questions are the hardest for me to answer. I feel like I grow every single day and am forever changing. I can never pin my emotions, my personality, or my traits down to a category.

So, I just call myself a paradox:


She describes herself as a paradox, a one woman show

She jumps too fast and trusts entirely too slow

At night she deadbolts all her doors just to sleep with an open window

She’s felt the highest of highs, but she’s lived the lowest of lows

Trust her when she says, she’s far too complicated for you to ever really know

She’s murdered love just so she can feel it re-grow

She’s hated herself, but she’d be damned to ever let that show

There’s more to her than meets the eye, she’s more intricate than you could know

You may think she’s an angel; but look closer and you’ll see the stolen halo

She has rinsed her filthy hands of a million sins

Then she turns around just to do them all over again.

Some days she lays paralysed by her damn emotions

While others she just mindlessly goes through the motions

You see her for her smile and careless cackle

Completely clueless to all the demons she’s battled

When love is involved she will always sacrifice,

But as soon as you burn that girl she turns cold as ice

She’s not so sure what religion relates to her power above

But she does know they preach an all-inclusive kind of love 

She’s not a simple book you can judge by the cover

There’s more to her than even she has discovered

She’s a paradox, a whimsical mystery

Underestimate a girl like that and she will make you history.


Author: Emily Cutshaw
Image: Italintheheart/Flickr
Editor: Lieselle Davidson
Copy Editor: Sara Kärpänen





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