October 30, 2017

To the Lionesses: Remember that you are Wild, Strong & Free.

There is no one way to become powerful.

Although many of us think that if we had this or that, we might finally feel free or capable of handling our lives fully.

However, what we are lacking when we think this way is not strength or power. What we are lacking, when we believe we are not enough, is something else—and that something else is perspective.

I was leading a retreat series last month; and often, as I teach, I also deeply learn and heal too. We are all so intrinsically connected that as others learn their wholeness, so do we as teachers.

At one point on the retreat, my colleague was leading a visualization in which we were to meet our subconscious. In our mind’s eye, we were guided down a forest path and into a clearing, and there in front of us was a being waiting to share secret knowledge.

Sometimes, we don’t know where our next spark of inspiration will come from—but it always does come, especially if we stay open to receiving it. The being that I met that day had been lingering in my inner shadows for quite sometime. She was a lioness, and she had something very interesting to say.

This lioness was tall, and strong, and proud. She looked me straight in my eyes with a clear message. From her message, I was inspired to write this poem, and what she said to me echoes inside of me everyday…


I met a lioness last night in my dreams.
She told me I was wild,
and strong,
and free.

She said:
“You are power,
and strength,
and courage.”

She said:
“The challenges you face today are meant to be.
For you are growing truer,
and light.”

I met a lioness last night in my dreams.
She told me I was wild,
and strong,
and free.

She said:
“You are power.”

She said:
“Roar—and do this ever so gracefully.”

She said:
“Show this to others…share.
Because they might not know it yet,
but they are lions and lionesses too.
They are wild,
and strong,
and free.”

I met a lioness last night in my dreams…


This lioness who spoke to me from my subconscious that day was truth—at least, my own truth. She was particularly meaningful to me. In the Kundalini lineage of yoga I practice, I was given the name Sat Deva Kaur, which translates as “Lioness of Truth.”

There is no one way to become powerful, but believing in our own strength—and remembering that we are wild, and strong, and free—is a pretty, darn good place to begin.



It Is Okay to Let it Crumble. {Poem}


Author: Sarah Norrad
Image: Flickr/诗琪
Editor: Yoli Ramazzina
Copy editor: Travis May
Social editor: Waylon Lewis

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