January 11, 2018

How to raise an Enlightened Child.

Growing up, I attended and then staffed and helped lead the best summer camp ever. What did we do? Nothing. No entertainment. Of course, we did things, and it was fun. But basically it was a “training ground for the warriors” of peace, not aggression. It was affordable, and just about everyone was kind to just about everyone. It’s still going on, in Colorado, and in France, and in Canada. Printed on the back of the tee shirts was this phrase: “if you lose your mind…COME BACK.” It’s a profound phrase, though so simple. It rises out of the Buddhist notion that we’re never gonna be perfect—we all lose our minds, we all make mistakes. The trick to a life well-lived, however, isn’t being perfect, which doesn’t exist. It’s coming back to the present, coming back to kindness and decency, when we find we’ve gone off the rails. This is what we practice in meditation. It’s easy, though endless. It includes a sense of humor, instead of rigid positivity. So next time you find yourself lost in self-concern…come back! #shambhalasunsummercamp #shambhalasuncamp #shambhala #dharma #summercamp #mayitbeofbenefit

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Walk the Talk Show with Waylon Lewis:


“There’s one summer camp that’s different. No entertainment—but it’s fun. It’s back to nature—but you learn how to march and meditate. It doesn’t matter if you’re cool or not—everyone’s a family. It’s about kindness.” ~ Waylon Lewis

Watch Waylon and his longtime mentor Will Ryken discuss what it means to raise an enlightened child.

The call to action to parents to instill values of being a good human into their children is important now more than ever for the longevity of our world.

Waylon grew up going to Shambhala Sun Camp, where being a kid at camp also meant learning the morals of being a good human. Sun Camp teaches kids the values and discipline needed to do well for the world, to be brave enough to learn to love themselves, and to be kind to each other for the benefit of our communities.




Just. Might. Be. The. Best. Summer. Camp. Ever. Shambhala Sun Summer Camp.

Setting Sun Vision, via Chogyam Trungpa from Shambhala: Sacred Path of the Warrior.

Container Principle. {Buddhism + 3OH!3}


Smile if you have to: Stories of the Origin and Evolution of Shambhala Sun Camp


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