July 11, 2018

What are we willing to Risk?

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I want to experience as much as I can in this life.

I know that light comes with darkness—and I want it anyway. It’s never worth settling to make someone else happy. I’ve done it before and it always ends in heartbreak.

It’s never worth settling solely for the comfort of a routine. Boredom follows, and sometimes you don’t realize you’re bored until it’s too late.

The best things in life are found in nature and in other people and within ourselves. And good hugs. The best feeling in life is being exhausted after a long day of physical exertion in nature leading to the type of deep tiredness we were designed to feel. And sleep.


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The best comfort in life is however our grounding force reveals itself.

This could be a person, a practice, or both. It’s whatever makes you feel like you have arrived to a safe, intuitively-led space similar to home. The best thrill in life is realizing all that we have is temporary and if you truly think about it—every opportunity is fair game.

What are you willing to risk?

I’d like to stay wanderlust for as long as I can. When I’m old and tired, I’ll finally be able to experience the sweetness of rest and routine with a mind filled with adventurous memories. But for now, I will live fully and have the most beautiful life I can possibly create.


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Mariele Chambers

author: Mariele Chambers

Image: Author's own

Editor: Catherine Monkman
