January 28, 2019

Are you in a Soulmate, Karmic, or Twin Flame Relationship? Here’s how to Tell.

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Relationships have been my biggest teacher in life as an empath, psychic intuitive, and energy healer.

I’ve always been tuned into something greater than myself, which has allowed me to connect with the world around me.

However, my love life has been chaotic. I’ve continuously become involved with emotionally unavailable men and toxic relationships.

Last year, at my lowest point, I fled from domestic abuse at five months pregnant. I received my wake-up call. Something had to change, and it all started with me.

I undertook intensive mind-set coaching to correct my victim mentality. I surrounded myself with positive people and began a journey of self-love.

I wanted to know why most of my relationships came with heavy consequences. Why was I attracting these relationships? Was I just unlucky, or was it something unresolved within me? This led me to study the Law of Attraction and the Law of Vibration. I started channeling and receiving downloads about relationships and our role within them from the point of our soul’s growth. I discovered that the relationships we have can teach us a lot about where we are in our life.

Before you came to earth, you decided what relationships and experiences you were going to undertake during this lifetime. Every relationship would bring you specific lessons that would be fulfilled by soul contracts. These are agreements that you made to serve as your life lessons on this journey.

The Law of Attraction and the Law of Vibration

Our universe operates on a series of laws. Two of these laws are the Law of Attraction and the Law of Vibration.

The Law of Attraction dictates that we attract what we focus on. The Law of Vibration is based on frequency and vibration. Everything is energy (us included). Our vibrational frequency is determined by how we feel. Fear and anger are low on the vibrational scale and attract similar people and situations of this nature. Love and joy exist on a higher scale and are a vibrational match for positive, loving experiences.

Part of our vibration is determined by the subconscious mind. To change this, we must start by changing our thoughts. This changes how we feel, which then allows us to take inspired action. How we feel acts as a magnet to bring about events that match our frequency. We can change this at any time by allowing ourselves to engage in activities that bring us happiness, joy, and love.

Relationships that are not serving your highest good provide an opportunity to look within. Mind-set work with a coach can release these subconscious blocks. This can show you what you’re refusing to address in your life, such as lack of self-love or fear of owning your power or asserting your boundaries.

The Soulmate Relationship

Soulmates are the kindred spirits we share our lifetime with. Many of us have more than one soulmate, as not all are romantic partners. They may be family, friends, children, and pets, which all stem from the same soul family.

Each soul plays a different role in your life for your soul’s expansion. When this growth has been achieved, they may move out of your life. We know when we have met a soulmate because there is a natural affinity between us.

The Karmic Relationship

The Karmic Relationship is the soulmate that brings about deep emotional healing. Karma is the energy as the result of action, both positive and negative. We must take responsibility for the creation of our own reality. This relationship may involve a karmic debt between two souls, which is expressing itself for both parties to grow.

Karmic relationships invoke a strong, intense bond and sense of recognition from the beginning. When the energy dynamic is unbalanced, it causes personal boundaries to become blurred. Childhood wounds are triggered, causing insecurities to arise and the need to control. This type of relationship can be painful. It is often not meant to last, but serves as fuel to move you to a place where you can love yourself, step into your power, and let go.

The Twin Flame

Twin Flames are the highest manifestation of the soulmate relationship. While we have many soulmates, we have one twin flame, which is your soul’s twin or match. This match is described as two aspects of the same soul consciousness, which makes you “twins.” This is often described as the soul consciousness splitting and manifesting as two separate lineages that reincarnate separately and come together for union.

Not everyone will meet their twin in this lifetime. But, due to the rapid shift in our planetary consciousness, more twins are uniting in support of these new paradigms.

The connection between twins is felt as a magnetic pull. The chakras open and pulsate. There is feeling of deep, unconditional love and a knowing that you have met before.

As twins mirror one another’s soul, this triggers deep emotional healing, which can cause the relationship to become intense. There may be temporary separation. Despite the difficulties, the love between twins remains strong.

What are your relationships telling you?

By applying our knowledge of the Law of Vibration and Law of Attraction, we can receive clarity on whether our current reality is measuring up to what we really want. To manifest more love in our lives, we must work on aligning ourselves to love. This means calling in our soulmate from a place of self-love, gratitude, and joy, as opposed to loneliness and emptiness. We must let go of attachment to the outcome we seek.

Are your relationships feeling in alignment with who you really are? Do they add to your feelings of love and joy, or are they dramatic and draining?

Every relationship is unique and offers new growth opportunities. Is this situation pushing you to reclaim your boundaries or personal power?

Every passing moment gives you the opportunity to ask yourself what you really desire.

You are the creator of your own destiny. You get to choose.

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Jasmine Anderson  |  Contribution: 160

author: Jasmine Anderson

Image: Jonathan Borba/Pexels

Image: Ecofolks on Instagram

Editor: Kelsey Michal