2.7 Editor's Pick
April 24, 2019

Thank you, Adam Rubenstein.

Adam Rubenstein was a gentle giant, a wise human who helped coach Elephant and without whom we wouldn’t be in such good shape, through tough media times, as we are today. His family needs help—please give—they need far more than this goal given the state of extended medical care in the US today. If you give (whether you knew him or appreciate his service to Elephant), thank you thank you thank you. ~ ed.


From David Rogers:

“Everyday is a gift”, you said.

Everyday with you was indeed a gift my brother. Miss you already.


This photo, taken two years ago today. He is missed.
Yesterday was his funeral. Surrounded by love, by grief, by eulogies that were 100% accurate (I can only imagine mine, if folks we’re 100% honest, imagine yours).
Over the last years I got to be coached by him, thanks to Dave, his mutual bestie and my dear friend and colleague. And he coached all of Elephant, but particularly our leadership, helping us form Elephant into a more mature company worth sticking with, for our staff, longterm.
He was incredibly sharp. Kind. Fun. Boldly stylish, yet humble, yet honest. Loving.
Two years ago today.

From Waylon, who knew Adam far less well:

I love you brother, miss your big sideways grin, will miss your bright argyle socks and wingtips and just all-around delightful sharp style, miss your huge presence, miss your gentleness and wisdom in helping me become a better CEO (hard thankless work) and a better human. Boulder misses you. Innovation is the hollow-er for your absence.

You were a light of kindness everywhere you went. I don’t know many who can say that—we are all inspired by you.

And goddamnit—it’s really not fair.

From ‘Round Midnight enforcer to brilliant entrepreneur to good friend to so many and husband—goddamnit you’ll be missed.

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