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July 17, 2019

Transforming your Pain into Strength by way of the Phoenix

To find the peace, stillness and tranquility within the fire of self is grace.

It takes time to find these qualities within yourself, just as it took time to build the raging inferno burning you alive.

The blue part of the flame is where the fire first started, but it was not the cause.

It took kindling – otherwise known as pain.

The blue flame burns the hottest, but not the brightest.

This part of the flame keeps the fire – or rather the hurt, grief and resentment alive.

This lives in the core of your being, whether you are aware of it or not.

It is the calm rage within the yellow, orange and red tapestry of the anger you present to others.

It will burn through the masks you wear to try to hide it, because pain always finds it’s way out.

And if you let it, this fire will suffocate you from within, and eventually, all those around you.

Leaving a path of destruction in every step you take, every look you give, and every sentence you utter.

However, if you can turn inward long enough to hold your gaze on the pain you are carrying, and bravely, lovingly and oh so tenderly acknowledge it – even if only for fleeting moments at a time, then you will start to transform.

Your quick gazes will slowly, yet steadily, turn into quiet moments of longing stares.

You are unearthing new layers of yourself.

Meet these new aspects of self with compassion.

Lean in and listen to what what your pain has been begging to tell you.

Through the patience of self-healing, you will notice over time the pain starting to subside as it is heard and seen.

Be the witness.

The silent observer – without the shame of judgement.

Gradually, the fire that once burned out of rage, anger and even sorrow, will burn out of courage and strength.

Leaving you standing in the ashes of your former self – stronger, lighter, freer.

You will feel as if you have turned yourself from lead into gold.

Thus illuminating everything you touch into gold, as well – by the use of your sheer energy alone.

This the Phoenix.

The Phoenix does not burn in the ashes, it is born from the ashes.

It is not some mythical creature – it is you.

Rising to change the world, not to merely exist in the world.

Refined fire and beauty in motion, constantly being reborn.

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