2.6 Editor's Pick
August 27, 2019

If we want to save our World, we have two Choices.


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We can be optimistic—if we work to create a better world. Or we can be pessimistic—and do nothing. The road ahead is either a lot of working together, less vilifying those who we disagree with (unless they’re straight up racist, and even then we can make like #DarylDavis, search him on elephantjournal.com)…or the road ahead is sitting on our couches watching apocalyptic movies for fun, doing nothing to better this fragile, beautiful world. Let’s all do something—and more of it. ??♥️ Our school, Elephant Academy, trains you to find your path. It helps you to find your voice. We offer mentors, small groups of peers, live meetings, and this Fall, our first live writing course—join us and start and/or finish that collection of poems or essays or book you’ve been wanting to get after: elephantjournal.com/academy ??

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“If you give nature a chance, it recovers…if the world can get together and stop doing it, it will recover. And I am optimistic.” ~ Sir David Attenborough

We can be optimistic—if we work to create a better world.

Or we can be pessimistic—and do nothing.

The road ahead is either gonna be made up of a lot of working together, and far less vilifying those we disagree with (unless they’re straight up prejudiced, and even then we can make like Daryl Davis)…

…or the road ahead is sitting on our couches watching apocalyptic zombie movies for fun, doing nothing to better this fragile, beautiful world.

Let’s all do something—and more of it.

Our school, Elephant Academy, trains you to be of benefit. It helps you to find your voice—and your path forward. We offer mentors, small groups of peers, live meetings, and this Fall, our first live writing course—join us and start and/or finish that collection of poems or essays or book you’ve been wanting to get after: elephantjournal.com/academy to join.


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