September 26, 2019

She was one of those Wild Ones.

She was one of those wild girls 

wearing cactus leaves in her hair

flames burning in her eyes.

She did not care about the hair under her armpits 

nor that pedicure many months too old.

She did not correct her posture 

while sitting down and revealing belly rolls

as a testimony to her passionate love story 

with French croissants.

She was not scared to laugh too loud 

when everyone else was choking in their own words.

She danced and moved her hips 

like making love to the Universe 

seeing others strangled by shame.

She was not afraid of the rage 

bleeding out of her body 

when just another love of her life 

had been dancing on her grave.

She did not close down her heart 

even when it was having its last breaths.

She was not afraid to call out bullsh*t 

that was so visible from miles away

leaving the truth itself standing frozen in fear.

She was wearing cleavage

touching the edges of her belly button

and used bras as a toy

for her yellow-eyed cat.

She did not prostitute her heart

as a way of pleasing a man

or making others shine brighter

at the expense of her own light.

She was standing firmly 

bare feet on the muddy ground

when everyone else was

unbalanced on their heels

trying to grasp the concepts of eternal beauty.

She lived fully

heart wide open 

ready to be cracked 

by a man too small 

to grasp her greatness.


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Ly Aunapu  |  Contribution: 1,600

author: Ly Aunapa

Image: Author's own

Editor: Nicole Cameron

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