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September 20, 2019

Top 10 Short-Term Goals Examples To Start Practice From Today

“It’s exciting setting goals and moving forward with them.” – Amber Frey

When you think about the word ‘GOAL’ the first thing that comes into your mind something which is to be achieved in the long term to make your future more ideal. We usually set long term goals and forget about the small steps to reach those goals. Short term goals are as important as long term goal. In fact, without the short term, there is a higher chance of failure to achieve your long term goal.

Before coming into the mindfulness practice, I used to make my long term goals at the beginning of every year and delayed them thinking that I have a lot of time to complete my goals. But I always failed when I analyze myself at the end of the year. Mindfulness taught me to take small steps and move towards them to achieve rather than making a long list of unrealistic goals.

In this article, I am sharing the top 10 short term goal examples that anyone can set and achieve.

1. Start tracking your budget
2. Learn about stocks and investments
3. Earn a professional certificate
4. Establish a morning routine
5. Enroll in a fitness program
6. Develop one positive habit every month
7. Write journal every morning
8. Spend less time with digital devices
9. Strengthen your communication skills
10. Attend at least one local seminar & improve your networking

1. Start tracking your budget

When your salary is credited in your account, you start planning to spend it and at the end of the month, you talk about financial securities. If you keep track of your expenditures, you become aware of your spending habits. This will help you not to spend on unnecessary things. For this purpose, you can write down your daily or weekly expenditures in a notebook, and at the end of the month, you can analyze your total spend.

2. Learn about investments

Earlier I didn’t believe in investing my money anywhere. I used to spent my whole salary buying some useless stuff and then felt regret after that. But when I practicing mindfulness, I realized that rather than spending unconsciously I should invest my money. So I started reading about mutual funds and invested them monthly. So learning and investing can help you to make better financial decisions for your future and to achieve financial security.

3. Earn a professional certificate

Even if you are working in a highly reputed company, you should always keep yourself updated in term of your professional skills and knowledge because employers usually hire or promote individuals based on that. It is always not necessary that you have to go somewhere to do some certification. There are a lot of online courses you can choose to enhance your professional skills.

4. Establish a morning routine

This is the most common resolution that everyone makes at the beginning of the year. I struggled a lot to make a practice to wake up early in the morning. Robin Sharma’s book “The 5 AM Club” helped me a lot. A set morning routine includes waking up between 5-6, writing your journal, doing some physical workout and enjoy your first meal of the day. This routine makes you more disciplined person and gives you a sense of harmony.

5. Enroll in a fitness program

This year rather waiting for the next year to join any fitness program, start from today. Everyone knows the benefits of physical exercise and everyone wants to be fit also but the problem is that they have their favorite excuse “we don’t have time to go to the gym.” You can do your workout at home also but joining a fitness program, help you to be regular. A regular fitness regimen keeps your weight down, improve your metabolism and strengthen your muscles. So what are you waiting for? Enroll yourself today to your favorite fitness program.

6. Develop one positive habit every month

A study shows that almost 50% of our actions during the day are driven by our habits, we developed over time, not by our conscious choice. For explample, a person wants to quit smoking but he is unable to do so. He has made his habit to smoke every day at fix timings. We never realize but our habits dictate us. Habits are such a powerful force which can either make us an ideal person or a weaker one. So this month, you can start with one good habit you want to develop and work for it 30 days. You will see in yourself the positive changes after that.

7. Write journal every morning

In the 6th point, I mentioned developing a new habit every month. So why not start with the habit to write your daily journal? This habit allows you to become a more creative person and help you to live in your present moment. It is not necessary that you should be a writer to make your daily journal. Anyone can start writing and become more self-aware about their hidden potentials.

8. Spend less time with digital devices

Today we are all surrounded by digital devices. We usually start our day by checking our emails, social media pages, WhatsApp, etc. and end our day the same way. I am not saying to quit yourself from the digital world, which is not possible. You should try to make a short term goal that you will spend less time with your digital devices especially after waking up and going to bed.

9. Strengthen your communication skills

Good communication skill not only help you to achieve your professional goals but also establish your relationship with the people around you. For that purpose, you can join any online course, try to speak in public and attend some events around you.

10. Attend at least one local seminar & improve your networking

Your personal development is not just limited to your office or workplace. You have to learn from outside as well. Attending such type of workshops or event in your local area will expand your networking. You will get an opportunity to meet with some industry experts also which also expand your professional connections.


Well, that’s it.

Which specific short-term goals examples you like the most? Let me know in the comments section below.

I wish you success in your life!

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