October 27, 2019

A Love Note from She.


I’m tired she whispered.

I need some rest she said.
Some quiet time she acknowledged.
A safe space to share she confessed.

She continued…

I feel like I’ve lost my way.
I feel exhausted.
I feel like I’m not sure of who I am anymore.
I feel like nothing makes sense right now.

The words continued to flow…

I’ve been looking after everyone else.
I’ve been putting my needs last.
I’ve been doubting myself.
I’ve been questioning who I am.

And as her tears began to fall…

I feel like I’m drowning.
I feel like I’m suffocating.
I feel like I’m struggling.
I feel like I’m failing.

To which her soul replied…

Take the time you need to heal.

Followed by…

You are always looked after.
You are always supported.
You can do this.
You are enough.

And as she wiped the tears from her eyes she knew that everything was divine.

That after every storm comes the sunshine.

That she had always had enough.

That even though she didn’t know the how everything truly would be okay.

Because it always was and it always is…


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Alicia Aberley  |  Contribution: 1,925

author: Alicia Aberley

Image: alliemayglobal / instagram

Editor: Julie Balsiger

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