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November 8, 2019

All Over The Map

The simplest step off the well beaten path, routine or daily grind of going about your day may throw you for a loop. The detour is just another highway in the direction that will grow you. This is when life gets exciting, one step away from the familiar path that takes you on the road to new adventures. A simple thought can send you into North, West, South or to East Bum Duck, NC, you know, out in the middle of nowhere. The truth about nowhere is that it brings you exactly where you need to be. To places you never thought you would travel. So, GET LOST! It’s like following directions from point A to point B and missing one turn from your destination to your destiny. There is no question that the people you meet along the journey, the places you go and the experiences that you explore become the gift of taking the scenic route.

What does getting lost looks like? Oh my, lions, tigers and bears, Oh my! What is next, flying monkeys taking you where you need to go or do I stop for directions, do I reboot my google maps, just go by memory if I’ve been there before or just drive. You all know I am not talking about literal driving or flying monkeys but I am talking about the driving force behind our thoughts and how we can lose all direction in the map of our thoughts or the monkey mind we call Chitta Vritti.

The journey is the destination to whatever it is we are really thinking about, whatever is dancing in the head space or sinking into the brain. Traveling down the well-traveled road or road less traveled will be the choices you make. If you keep driving in circles without any direction, you will never get to your destination. The mind has a way of driving in circles until you intentionally begin to slow down and park. Mindfulness….. The practice of parallel parking is like jumping into a parallel universe of peace that was always there waiting for you to arrive. There is always an exit sign or detour, just pull off the road for a moment and open your eyes to the possibility of the new places within your consciousness or places you can travel to in your 3D reality.

Your mind is driving consciously, subconsciously and unconsciously. These are the vehicles to the neural pathways we travel to embrace all possibilities that my mind offers trusting that my soul is the driving Ms. Daisy behind the whole awake, half-asleep or dream experience.

Here comes the long-winded question that kind of feels like the long road trip to your destination but the answer is right around the corner. Is it possible if we connect with something higher than ourselves through serving humanity, ya know, altruism, cultivating and nurturing relationships, practicing forgiveness, giving big bear healing hugs, overflowing with gratitude and loving, practicing kindness, we become more connected with ourselves? Start with yourself or another human being, it all circles back. Life seems to have us on a jet plane or peace train when we take the high road with ourselves and others.

It is in every sharp turn or road block that shapes the heart to a deeper knowing of ourselves. The arrow begins to only go in the direction of love that fills every part of your soul as you walk through this thing called LIFE.

Do I question my thoughts, heck ya, because I wouldn’t want to always believe everything I think? Sometimes my mind can give me the wrong directions until I choose to be led by the compass of my inner knowing, to be discerning, seeing others with eyes looking through the window of my heart. Falling asleep at the wheel is a dangerous thing. Practicing mindfulness that creates a moment to capture life on purpose with that purpose aligning with the joy embedded in every cell within my body ready to awaken and multiply gives me the fuel to keep moving forward.

So, I leave you with this YOU Turn or U-Turn, go INSPIRE your inner mind, body and soul by following the directions from your inner compass that leads you to happiness and joy to get you where you want to BE rather than traveling your whole life just to get from point A to point B. You never should travel far because that big destination is always within you no matter where you go or where you are. Own your confidence and victorious swag in your walk to your destiny, and embrace the mind always creating new pathways to being.

Love & Light,
Alice Sevivas
AKA Alice in wOMderland


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