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November 25, 2019

The Law of Distraction

The Law of DISTRACTION…we avoid, we run away, we escape, we divert, we elude, we withdrawal, we deflect to the very part of ourselves that supplies our impetus to move forward into the atman. Who is the atman? Where ya ATMAN? The universal knowing, the soul man, the inner self, you know the Atman. The duality of our 3D existence is what is tangible via what we can touch, see, smell, taste, hear and feel, and the irony to believe our emotions and body are separate from our soul body is an illusion. Are we transparent to ourselves or to the people who can see us or right through us?

Why do we begin with the emotional body and physical body? Because it is our vessel for experience. What about the energetic body and etheric body? I can not see it but I know. You have a choice to believe in darkness and lightness, good and bad, right and wrong, black or white, happy or sad, because we have been given that idea to invite and entertain the THOUGHT. Every thought becomes a guest in the garden of the mind whether invited or not if we allow the guest to enter, he may never leave unless shown the door again. Possibly through our upbringing, culture, community, connections with others and ourselves throughout history and lifetimes. The beauty and the beast is the sheep’s clothing we have chosen to cover ourselves with and the reality is, we are all NAKED. The clothing we wear are the masks of the side of ourselves we have explored to reach that deep well within us that has truth, wisdom and a warrior mentality to drive us closer to the heart of who we are. Have we distracted ourselves from the very parts of ourselves that crave attention and have have we attracted ourselves to the very parts of ourselves that are familiar and comfortable. LOVE, ANGER, HATE, PEACE are just words and hold a gravity of how we connect with one another in this world and with ourselves. It can separate us if you choose and it can bring us together if you choose as it can separate us from ourselves or yoke us. If we attach an idea, meaning or significance to any word, it begins to breathe life, a frequency that begins to shape your inner and outer world, your personal vortex or playground and we become what we think or don’t think.

If we could all just get off our @sanas and detach from what deludes our connection to oneness. AM I the I AM without any clothes covering me? We are all divine and deserve to be part of this world, a part of ourselves who connects with every puzzle piece called life. I am inspired to experience the duality we have all created because we are master mind creators supplied by our need for survival and surrender if that makes sense. We have the innate knowing to evolve, some with much momentum and some without but we all are here, in the now in perfect timing adding to the collective push we all are experiencing. We are souls having a human experience through these vessels we call bodies and your soul knows you better than you know yourself. I invite the duality because it allows me to get to the deepest parts of myself. I embrace everything I have given a name to or breathed life into, my light side, my dark side, my honest side, my dishonest side, my pretty side, my ugly side, my strong side, my weak side, the dualities can go on for miles. It’s all bullshit, the shit we create to get to the authentic self within our own selves, it’s quite comical or even theatrical but it seems to work. Your soul space knows and is enjoying quite a show as we move into the higher dimensions within our consciousness. The playground or battlefield to the 4th, 5th, 7th and 100th dimension is the experience until you completely take off the sheep’s clothing and may we all continue to evolve, connected, creating our own realties in a high vibration of oneness in the I AM. The Shadow self is the Light self are as one. We can not evolve or understand without the other. Embrace every part of who you are dear ones.

Love & Light,

Alice Sevivas

AKA Alice in wOMderland

Trust the process…

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