December 6, 2019

Stop Punishing Yourself. Ditch the Guilt. Forgive your Messy, Human Self.

Ditch the guilt.

So you ate too much pie.

Skipped a few workouts.

And had one too many cocktails over a conversation that should have come to an end.

Congratulations, you’re human.

Yes, balance is vital and healthy choices nourish our body and soul.

But the guilt when we indulge or live outside of our normal does far more damage than some apple pie ever will.

Our thoughts control our mindset.

The inner mean girl chatter is what turns a healthy indulgence into a pattern of binge and guilt.

Move your body today because it feels good.

Don’t push past your limits or punish yourself for simply living.

Forget about whether the calories burned on your Apple Watch wash out the calories consumed this weekend.

They don’t need to.

Going from one extreme to the other is insanity, not nourishment.

We are programmed to desire what we can’t have.

So this pattern of forbidding, giving in, and then punishing is toxic.

It’s a cycle you have to actively stop.

You deserve to enjoy this season.

And when you remove the labels—when you stop trying to control every last element—you realize that your body knows what it needs.

And you will stop feeling like you need to dance to the restrict-binge rhythm this season seems to glorify.

Forgiveness is the key to freedom.

Stop holding yourself to a standard you would never dream of holding anyone else to.

And if you wouldn’t say it to the person you love the most, don’t say it to yourself.

We are as healthy as our thoughts.

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author: Jenna Irvin

Image: @_minimalista

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