March 21, 2020

The Unexpected Upside of the Coronavirus Pandemic.

*Ed’s note: Is Right Livelihood a privilege? Not all of us have a choice during these times, but if you do, the below may help you find your mindful path forward. 


When we focus on prevention instead of panic, we discover the gifts of presence and transformation are available right now (no matter the circumstances).

I have some very clear opinions on life, business, mindset, money, and manifestation.

And I strongly believe that the practices that support me and my clients in doing our soul work and creating real prosperity and impact in the world serve us in situations like the one we’re currently facing as well.

I know there’s a lot of fear and worry right now, and I don’t underestimate that. I also deeply believe that we are safe, that everything is always working out for us, and that it’s more important than ever to tune into your truth and make aligned decisions.

Sometimes, in complicated discussions, I would prefer to just be silent because it can feel scary to speak out, but…

I also know as a public figure and thought leader that it is my job to live my life as an example and offer support and guidance wherever I can.

So, in the simplest words, I just want to say I still know that everything is always working out for us.

I do know that the better it gets, the better it keeps on getting, and there will be gifts from this experience we cannot yet see.

This week, things started to shift in the United States and many other parts of the world in relation to the Coronavirus. Travel bans, closures, and self-quarantines have now impacted just about everyone in one way or another.

I’ve felt directly connected to several situations, including the fact that my husband, who’s a fiddle player, was supposed to go on tour with his band across the country this week, and I found myself praying they’d decide to cancel.

And today, three days into the tour, they officially did, and I’m grateful he’s coming home.

Not because I’m afraid for their health, but because I do believe it is our responsibility right now to slow the spread of this in any way we can and allow our country to ride it out as gracefully as possible.

It’s for that reason that I’m personally choosing not to travel right now.

Honestly, I’m probably not leaving the house at all at this time. I’m fully stocked on everything (overstocked on paleo chocolate bars, if I’m being honest), and I’m making the choice to just stay home.

I don’t want to play into any aspect of this except for continuing to do my work, which is all online, and be a positive leader for my community at this time when they need a little extra clarity, guidance, and love.

Which brings me to the first piece I want to remind you of during all of this:

Freedom is always available and it starts first on the inside.

I’m staying focused on helping people create their best lives, do their soul work, and build their location-independent businesses so they can feel free no matter what’s going on in the world.

Free to live their own lives, make their own decisions, and choose what is most aligned for them.

Because I deeply believe good people do incredible things when they have the freedom of time, money, and location to do so.

Now, I understand that not everyone right now has this choice and freedom and that it is something I have intentionally created over the last decade for myself, and a big part of why I created my “To Living Free” brand—for the freedom and independence.

This is what I’m choosing to do and you must make the most aligned decision for your life.

Having said all of that, I also deeply believe that you are safe and all of your dreams and desires are still valid. I still believe that everything is always working out for you.

I actually believe that a positive shift in reality will come from all of this as we realize that so many of the structures built up around us aren’t permanent, but something we have chosen to have in our lives.

The Realization that Reality is Malleable.

When we realize that in a moment travel can be shut down, sports can be canceled, Disney World closed, working from home enforced, and a wide array of other situations no one would have thought to believe just a month ago, then we can start to see the true nature of reality.

It’s malleable.

It’s flexible, it can be adjusted, and nothing is permanent.

And I believe this awareness is actually incredibly good, because when you realize the world is malleable, I hope it inspires you to realize that one of the biggest factors that affect the world around you, is you.

Having to stay home from your job may make you realize you’re no longer available for that commute, or to do work you don’t love, or to have your life, income, and well-being determined by an employer.

Human Design says we’re shifting into an age of independence where we realize it’s time to be dependent on ourselves—and I think this is so vital.

When you learn to be able to trust and depend on yourself, there’s a coming home and a sense of peace, because you realize you will always have your own back.

For instance, even though the current situation is different than I’ve ever personally experienced in my lifetime, I have chosen to create independence in my life where I only depend on myself. I’ve done this for some years now, which has created the life and business I have.

My business and income will actually grow during this time because others will wake up to the fact that they must be able to depend on themselves first and foremost.

That we must be able to make money on our own terms and not depend on an employer or the government. This is not an attack on either, this is choosing to put your well-being first because you will always care about your own life more than anyone else will.

And by choosing to put your life first, you can fill up your own well and be able to more deeply serve your community, your family, your clients, and causes you believe in. Like us personally choosing to donate a percentage of all sales this month directly to health personnel working so hard to help others during this time.

We can only do this because we have set up a life and business that has the freedom and income that supports us in doing so.

And this is exactly what I’m inviting you to step into as well.

Discover what’s actually important to you.

This time is offering an invitation for you to step out of what has been, the norms, that which you have felt trapped by, and choose again.

Getting back to simplicity, spending more time at home with our loved ones, getting back to basics, and remembering what is really important to each of us.

Where have we gotten so busy chasing the goals, chasing the corner office, trying to hit the next raise, the next thing to feel like we made it that we’ve forgotten to be truly present in our lives?

And even after we hit the next achievement, we still never feel complete—we never feel like we’ve made it.

We’re being given an opportunity to reset.

Where have you been feeling social pressure to have, be, or do something that’s maybe not truly aligned for you? With just a little spaciousness from the situation, you’re now able to see what’s actually important to you.

And from this space, you can step back into your power.

You now have the time and space to choose again

Maybe we all just needed a pause. To go home and be still for a moment and remember who we really are, what we desire, stand for, and to give ourselves the opportunity to choose again.

Yes, this may feel like an intense way for this to be happening, but I believe that everything is always working out for us and let’s get real, how else could the entire world be brought together for a moment of pause and reflection that we actually would listen to?

You now have the time and space to look at your life, get honest with yourself, and choose again if needed.

Where are you being invited back to what is really important?

Maybe to spend more time with your family and less at the office.

To reconnect with those true desires and dreams that have been put on the back burner for far too long.

To bring a bigger focus to simplicity, kindness, compassion, and love.

I’m seeing many new people join my community this week with this exact realization—the awareness that they want more. And I find once we give ourselves space to dream, we often discover we desire our own soul-led business, to make money on our own terms, and to no longer be dependent on anyone else.

The realization that aligned success, having access to cash flow no matter what is going on, being able to be independent, and trust ourselves is more important now than ever.

And I will back you on that 1,000%.

It’s time for you to live by example, lead with heart, and inspire those whose lives you touch.

To remember how vitally important you, your story, work, desires, and unique message really are to the world.

And I believe this awareness and shift in perception will be one of the greatest gifts that will come along with this experience and ideally create a new level of peace and presence across the entire world.

Share this article with someone else who needs some extra positivity and love right now.

And I’d love to hear from you, tell me in the comments just one unexpected silver lining you’ve noticed from having to take a step back from life as usual.

As we focus our attention to gratitude, we are empowered again and together can create an atmosphere of prevention over panic, return to a space of presence, and maybe even help heal our communities if not our world.




Elephant’s Continually-updating Coronavirus Diary. ~ Waylon
How to Enjoy Life Amidst the Coronavirus Fear: Your Go-To Guide from Books to Podcasts & Wellness Practices.
What the Coronavirus is Teaching Me: 5 Lessons from Uncertain Times.
The Artist’s Stay-at-Home & Stay Sane Guide.
10 Simple Ways to Boost your Immunity without Leaving the House.

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Jessica Caver Lindholm  |  Contribution: 235

author: Jessica Caver Lindholm

Image: Author's own

Editor: Naomi Boshari

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