April 2, 2020

How to make Golden Milk (Turmeric) Paste {Recipe}.

Lately, I’ve been obsessed with all things turmeric.

I put turmeric in my oats, in my coffee, in stir fries, and curries. It’s a magical spice.

One of my favourite recipes to make is the notorious golden milk. The recipe is quite simple, but it does take a bit of time to put it all together for just one, maybe two, drinks.

Instead, you can make turmeric paste, which will last up to a month refrigerated. It’s just as easy to make and tastes just as good as fresh golden milk. You can add it into all of the above mentioned meals (and whatever else you want!). I found this recipe ages ago online and lots of people use these basic ingredients as a base. You can then add additional ingredients to taste, listed below.


My favourite way to have it? A teaspoon in half a cup of coffee and half a cup of non-dairy milk (I like oat milk). The perfect way to spice up your morning wake-up drink of choice.

Turmeric has endless benefits, which come from the active compound, curcumin. It’s most active when mixed with black pepper and not overheated, so be careful when cooking on the stove. It’s a known anti-inflammatory and antioxidant, and helps boost immune health. Full transparency, I don’t really know much about all of this, I just love the taste and the way it comforts me. It’s also a nice alternative in the afternoon if you don’t want more caffeine but want to sip on something cozy.

Especially now.

Turmeric is one of those things that once I discovered it, I couldn’t get enough. I also love sharing it with other people, converting them to becoming just as turmeric-obsessed as me.

Here’s the basic recipe:

1 cup water
1/2 cup turmeric (ground)
1/4 cup coconut oil
1 tbsp black pepper

Optional ingredients:

Ginger (ground or raw)
Cinnamon (I like lots of it)
Agave or some kind of sweetener (1-2 tsp, or to taste)
Nutmeg (to taste)
Cardamon (to taste)

Mix all the ingredients into a saucepan. Cook on low heat until everything blends together and the mixture becomes thick. It should only take 8-10 minutes.

Pro tip: sometimes the turmeric sinks to the bottom of your drink as it cools. To minimize this, blend the turmeric and non-dairy milk for 10 seconds before drinking (I put mine in my NutriBullet). It also gives it that coffee-shop foaminess, which makes it all the more delicious.



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