May 20, 2020

Remember this when the Dark Nights Come. {Poem}


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The dark nights, they’ll come.

They’ll knock on your door at midnight,

when the world is sleeping.

They’ll come to chisel your soul further

into what you came here to be,

a masterpiece that makes

the gods speechless

within each and every phase.

When they come,

you’ll open the door slowly

but you’ll open it.

You’ll let them in to start their work.

You’ll have to dig deep,

feel your beating heart in your chest,

and cling to its rhythm.

You’ll reach out for everything you love

and hold it to your bones,

somehow still thanking the stars

that you’re alive for this.

You’ll have to remember that

the shaping of you

is done by hands

that are wise enough

to only chisel away

the useless, dead parts

that keep you from ascending

to your purest form.

They know you intimately.

They know your resiliency.

They won’t knock on a shallow soul’s door.

They choose the willing.

The ones who are ready for their dead parts

to fall away for the sake of their rising.

You’ve been here.

When the dark nights are done sculpting this lesson in you,

they will take your hand,

speak to you about your strength,

embrace you in a celestial gathering,

and lovingly walk you

through the fields you love

to arrive at your beautiful soul depth

that seemingly has no end.

You’ll see.

Open the door.

Always open the door

to let the dark nights in.

They are what make you

into a healing for this place,

and they are what make you

deeper than any ceaseless eternal galaxy.


Your anger at guidance

is still you beautifully holding

the most fervent belief

in its existence and power in your life.


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Megan Chapman  |  Contribution: 3,650

author: Megan Chapman

Image: Author's own

Editor: Nicole Cameron

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