July 30, 2020

108 (okay, 39) Life-Changing Items you can Buy for less than $100.

“What life-changing item can you buy for less than $100?” Please comment below! I’ll add your comments, and we’ll get to 100 together!

Quoted info below is from here. Click there for more info in comments.

39 things $100 or less that’ll change your life.

  1. A library card. It’s free. Movies to rent, books, events (in normal times), movies in a theater, art shows, study rooms.

2. House plants. They will cheer you up and clean your air. If you ask your friends for a house-warming gift, this is it. Try to find a local supplier of local plants, not the kind of grown-in-plastic-shipped-overseas crap that big box stores carry.

3. “A curved shower rod. Seriously. $10 for a tension rod, or $28 for a curved one that takes a bit more effort to install, but your showers are suddenly 33% larger and feels like you’re in a hotel every day.”

4. A really good soft thick pair of warm winter socks (we recommend Darn Tough or locally-made) for traipsing around in, and for wearing around the home.

5. A king-sized blanket for a smaller bed—I recommend old wool blankets off of ebay or craigslist or etsy—my house is full of army blankets (cheap, look at a Surplus store), Pendleton, and Hudson Bay kinda blankets (I have vintage knock-offs).

6. Solar: “Motion sensor night lights. Can’t tell you how many stubbed toes or falls they have prevented. Also a cheap intruder alarm.”

7. “Carbon monoxide detector.” I recommend the kind you plug in, not the kind you battery-power.

8. A good pillow. I like wool—down is super cruel, and all other pillows are plastic-off-gassing.

9. “Sunscreen. No skin cancer for me.” …and…A basic skincare routine. I’m talking like cleanse, moisturize, sunscreen, and if you’re really adventurous/ in need, get yourself a topical for acne or concerns. Amazing for your self esteem, and also becomes a form of self care eventually. It’s so easy to forget to take care of yourself.” “Literally just: Cleanser, toner, moisturizer. Pick those depending on your skin type. That’s enough. Doing more than that is for when you know what’s good for you already. If you go outside, sunscreen. Please, regardless of ethnicity, use it. It wont heal you, but is the reason you wont have cloggy skin in 10 years. That’s all.”

10. “A dash cam for your car can protect you from wrongful claims also vandalisms and theft.”

11. “National Park annual pass. If you’re a veteran with any % disability rating, they’re free for life.”

12. Condoms.

13. A pressure cooker! Non-electrical, in my view, lasts way longer. They’re so easy! Life-changingly simple and fast.

14. First Aid Kit.

15. An electric tea kettle.

16. “A good showerhead. I cannot stress enough how a high quality showerhead can turn getting clean into utterly zen, 30 minute self healing and relaxation session. Ok clarification, I don’t shower for 30 min every day. Modern rain showerheads use very little water and I only have about 15 min to get ready in the morning so this is a rare treat I let myself do once or twice a month. I appreciate the loving comments.” “Bonus points for a detachable showerhead and extra double bonus points if you are a lady who enjoys that particular brand of flying solo.”

17. “Step 1: Throw away [use as rags?] all your socks.

Step 2: Buy 3-5 packages of the same sock.

Step 3: Enjoy a life without ever having to match socks again.”

18. Online learning. Udemy, Elephant Academy, whatever.Take the time to learn a new skill. Learning a skill can be cheap in terms of money: more time consuming than anything but worthwhile.”

19. An electric toothbrush.

20. “A Cook Book. Not like a fad celebrity book but a real oldschool family cookbook.

Best one I ever found was at a garage sale and was like 6″ thick Ring binder full to the brim with yellow pages some with stains. It honestly should have been a family treasure and I got it for $20.

Hundreds of family recipes with easy to follow hand written notes. I’m sad i never met the grandma that this thing once belonged to.” My favorite recipe in the book:

21. A passport.

22. A good everyday carry pocket knife. I use mine several times a day.”

23. “A donation to adopt a pet from an animal shelter.” That said, be prepared. Pets are expensive. And they take time and lots of daily exercise and company and love and a willingness to train yourself.

24. Dr. Bronner’s. And shampoo soap, forget plastic bottles. And dish soap bar, forget plastic bottles. With a wooden brush for dishes.

25. A bike. An everyday bike with fenders and a rack and gears and a bell.

26. A pull-up bar. Read the comments here for more info.

27. A good coffee set up. Saves you money every day, gives you better coffee than you’ll drink out there. I still love going to cafes, I love society and people and community, but coffee at home—organic, fair-trade, dark, in tin not plastic–or however you like it—that’s how you can get it. For some, a pour-over coffee maker and burr coffee grinder. For me, those old school wooden grinders with a handle and a stovetop percolator.

28. A basketball.

29. A gym membership and a session with a trainer.

30. A diva cup. “A menstrual cup! It’s about $20-$30 and it replaces ten years’ worth of pads and tampons. It saves so much money and reduces so much waste. Also, it’s perfect if you want to travel long-term in developing areas: I traveled for eight months last year and I packed one box of tampons, most of which came home with me at the end of the trip. Plus, it’s fun when it “pops” open in your vagina and you look around like, “Did anyone notice what just happened?”

31. “A safety razor. It’s 1) so much cheaper than buying disposable razors/razor heads; 2) it produces less waste; 3) blades are so inexpensive; 4) it works well! Your skin will thank you. It’s about a $20-30 investment for the razor itself upfront, and another $10-$20 for a giant pack of blades that will last you an eternity (6 months-1 year for frequent shavers, easy).”

32. A bra that fits. 

33. A Squatty Potty.

34. A tongue-scraper.

35. A password manager app. It’s so incredibly helpful.

36. A good knife, which you can usually buy used from a knife sharpener. Ask questions. Get some good metal. A good skillet. Ask questions, research, ask around.

37. “Honestly? A decent suit from a secondhand store. You can leave a good first impression at a job interview, family function or social event for somewhere around thirty bucks if you’re lucky.”

38. A Dohm or other white noise generator. I use a web site called Soundrown. One “d.” I combine waves, rain and a cozy campfire, and visualize that I’m in a yurt, dry, with a fire, near the ocean, in the rain. Sleep on demand, even if the kids next door are partying it up.

39. Lelo Sona. (orgasms on demand)

To be continued, based on your comments.


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