July 22, 2020

Don’t tell me to “Get Over It”—Crying is Not a Sign of Weakness.

I read a comment on an article of mine recently that said I need to “get over it” and “stop crying.”

It was the only negative comment I have read out of thousands. For some reason, as negative comments do, it stuck with me and replayed in my head today.

I had thought about responding personally to this message, but I decided to use it instead as a topic to discuss here.

First of all, I would like to address your comment specifically.

Get over it and stop crying,” do not belong anywhere in conversation, especially a circle in which we come together to discuss our lives and help each other heal.

We each have our own histories and journeys. This is not a space for judgment, but a space where one can feel accepted, valued, loved, and encouraged.

Secondly, as a community that supports being authentic and raw, please read and hold our stories with care. These are often delicate pieces of our lives that we share with the world because we believe our words can be of benefit. Be gentle toward those who are willing to openly share so that someone in this world feels comforted and not alone in their experience.

Lastly, I’d like to say to all those who have been told to “stop crying,” please find some loving people to cry with.

Cry as much as you need to. Write your stories, discuss your experiences, and share.

This is your journey and your healing process. We here in this community are supporting you.


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