July 26, 2020

The 4 Types of Narcissism.

The word “narcissist” has been thrown around quite a bit in the last few years.

It’s a hot topic and burns many hearts.

And while I think that many of us have experienced (or caused) the trauma of narcissism, it is crucial to know the differences. There are varying degrees of this dark trait and varying reasons as to why it arises.

After watching this video, I have a much better understanding of narcissism in general, and the full spectrum of types that fall under the narcissistic umbrella.

I think the scariest one is the “Covert Narcissist,” because you genuinely don’t see it coming. I have the most experience with that type, and the “Seductive Narcissist,” which is not what you’d think it is.

May this be of benefit and help you feel more confident when you think you see signs of narcissistic abuse:

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