August 18, 2020

Demystifying the Twin Flame Journey: What we Get Wrong about these Relationships.

I was a twin flame belief follower for a number of years.

I also experienced all of the known “twin flame relationship symptoms,” which made me believe that I was in a twin flame connection, too.

As I continued to learn and understand how things work—and also looked back at all the relationships that I had throughout my life—I came to a different conclusion about the entire twin flame belief and the “symptoms” that are often presented as an indication of a twin flame connection.

One important thing to realize before we go on is this: we already know that our brains fill in reality for us, and the statement “what we believe we live” is more accurate than ever when it comes to romantic connections.

We naturally idealize our partners when we are in love, but there is also a projection of our beliefs onto a person whenever anything in their behavior seems to match what we want to believe in.

Knowing this, let’s take a closer look at what we know as “twin flame connection symptoms.”

1. Twin flame telepathy

When our emotions, love, and focus on the person are strong, telepathy becomes possible. People often experience this for the first time during a strong romantic connection. It is important to know that these two conditions are all that’s required to experience telepathy with anyone.

When we have an open heart and a strong focus on any person, we can be telepathic with them. Anyone who is experiencing telepathy with their mothers or children knows exactly what I am saying here.

Believing that telepathy is only possible in a “twin flame relationship” is false.

2. Matched experiences, physical resemblance, and recognition of the soul 

When emotional traumas are matched, people feel “familiar” to each other and are drawn to each other like magnets because they are vibrating within the same spectrum. This is exactly what fuels the feeling behind the idea of “recognition” or “sharing of the soul.”

As for physical resemblance, this has everything to do with subconscious “face mapping” and generational conditioning when it comes to attraction. Taking a closer look at young pictures of parents, grandparents, or even your own previous partners will shed a lot of light into this.

When we subconsciously face map and match people we are drawn to with family members who look like us, our partners end up looking like us as well.

Additionally, vibrating within the same spectrum generates energetic resemblance, which is often visible through physical resemblance as well.

3. Intense magnetism, intense sex drive, volatility of twin flame relationship, and helping each other evolve

The magnetism of a matched energetic spectrum is experienced as an intense sex drive, which is nothing other than an indication of a matched and mirrored vibrational state. Heightened sex drive serves as a mechanism required to bring our hidden traumas up to the surface (thus the volatility of the relationship once the short honeymoon phase is over).

Hopefully, both people are awake enough to identify and work on their traumas throughout the relationship (aka helping each other evolve). Bringing things to the surface takes place in every intense relationship.

When love and sex drive are strong, the Kundalini energy often pops for the first time for many, creating the illusion of uniqueness or that only this one person is required for us to have such experiences.

As a result of Kundalini movement triggered through sexuality, people start experiencing visions and dimensional travel—aka activations—and often associate their experiences with this one specific person.

In truth, you can have these types of activations, visual experiences, dimensional travel, out of body experiences, and so on, with anyone you have an open heart for and a strong sex drive with, because sexuality is just another point of access into various dimensions and realms of existence.

4. To be in a twin flame relationship, we have to evolve first

Humans have been creating fairy-tale romantic characters since the beginning of time. Many of us are familiar with the ideas of “a prince on a white horse,” “the one,” and “the perfect partner.” In many cultures throughout history, human beings continue to fantasize about someone who is just like them and just for them.

Our present day spiritual community simply added into the mix the desire to share spiritual work with a partner. And thus, another romantic myth was born and also applied onto examples of successful relationships of the present and the past.

In truth, this kind of growth can be present within any relationship where strong love and strong sex drive are experienced, as we are always inevitably matching and mirroring our traumas with our partners.

What turns these relationships into successful ones versus disastrous is when the consciousness of both partners has reached the level of development where things generated through relationships are understood and worked on, rather than just experienced and suffered through.

Additionally, on that level of development, the desire to do spiritual work together is often present in both partners, too.

Before we can have a successful and fulfilling romantic relationship, where spiritual work and shared growth are experienced consciously, both partners have to evolve and get there on their own first.

The major pitfall of our present day twin flame belief is that it makes people blind. The belief is often so strong it fills in false reality for many.

Experiencing something that resembles the twin flame connection symptoms makes us remain in detrimental situations. It makes us fixate, chase, and hold on to the idea of a specific person as our one and only true twin flame—even for years sometimes.

This belief often grows into also believing that without this one twin flame, our spiritual paths—or even we, ourselves—are incomplete.

I only see all of the above as blocks to one’s own expansion.



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author: Isabella Greene

Image: Anton Malanin/Unsplash

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