September 24, 2020

A Different kind of Love: Finding Magic in Life’s Mundane Moments.


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You must romanticize the parts of your life that you once thought to be mundane. 

They are kaleidoscopic, I promise. Those seemingly dry bits of your everyday life are worth so much more than the labels you’ve assigned them. 

There is no need to tune your ear to the fortissimo of the outside world when your answers are better found in the intimate moments of radio silence.  

So I invite you to pay tribute to your morning coffee—every single morning. And on those occasions where the ratio of coffee to cream awakens your senses and tastes like gold, I want you to affirm that it is because something incredible is happening that day. 

I want you to pay homage to each sunset. Really, be cognizant of the stratus streaked with lilac and cobalt—how it aligns perfectly with the freeway. Capture it, whether it be by the lens of your camera or the lens of your soul

Be a percipient observer of the moments when your fingertips buzz with electricity, and your cells dance in rhythm to the 808. Embrace the split second when goosebumps on your arms give a standing ovation to your favorite song. 

And please, take note of when your breath escapes you because you are laughing harder than your body knows how to manage. 

What I am trying to say is, pinpoint these instances where you are euphoric, unstoppable, and limitless. Let it surprise you that these are often labeled as basic flashes in time. Then, I encourage you to abandon everything you were conditioned to believe makes you feel royal (because now you actually know what does). 

Identify everything you can in those electric moments:

Who are you in company with? 

What type of clothing is hugging your skin? 

What kind of food is your stomach filled with? 

What music is playing in the background? 

Let your reality be a blank canvas as you paint the small moments into one large mural—one you are completely and utterly obsessed with.

You are the artist of your life—create accordingly.

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Raquel Pena  |  Contribution: 4,005

author: Raquel Pena

Image: Author's Own/instagram

Editor: Kate Force

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