September 1, 2020

Cinnamon Roll crusted Apple Pie: A Fall Treat you Won’t Want to Share. {Recipe}

What’s more classically American than apple pie?

The end of summer screams for warm apple pie and vanilla ice cream.

If you want to mix it up a little this year with your end-of-summer apple picking haul, this Cinnamon Roll Crusted Apple Pie is the perfect mix of apple-pie and cinnamon rolls.

Our family loves this as a toasty breakfast on a cold weekend with a side of bacon and eggs. It works as a great dessert with ice cream, too.

Cinnamon Roll Crusted Apple Pie Recipe

Prep: 20 minutes.

Cook Time: 40 minutes.

Oven temperature: 350°F

You’ll Need:

A large mixing bowl.

Nonstick spray.

Nine-inch pie plate.

Rolling pin.

Rubber spatula.

Apple peeler.


>> Five large apples, peeled and thinly sliced.

>> Two cans of packaged cinnamon rolls.

>> One egg.

>> Two teaspoons of cinnamon.

>> 1/2 cup sugar.

>> Any kind of flour (as needed).

>> One tablespoon of cornstarch.


  1. Peel and thinly slice the apples and set aside. Preheat oven to 350°F
  2. In a large mixing bowl, mix cinnamon, sugar, and cornstarch together until combined. Once combined, add apples and mix until slices are evenly coated.
  3. Pop open the cinnamon rolls. Lightly flour a clean, dry surface and your rolling pin. Roll out each cinnamon roll nice and thin. This can be a sticky process, so make sure to wipe your rolling pin clean after each one. One can of cinnamon rolls is used per crust (one for the top and one for the bottom).
  4. Prepare the pie plate with nonstick cooking spray. Add a flattened cinnamon roll to the center of the pie plate. Add remaining cinnamon rolls from the first can around to cover the bottom of the pie plate, overlapping as best you can. Use your fingers to pinch and flatten any holes or gaps.
  5. Once the bottom crust is fully pressed together, add the apples. I like to add a little sprinkle of cinnamon and sugar at this part.
  6. Use the second package of rolled out cinnamon rolls to create the top crust. Set out a piece of parchment paper. Create a crust from your rolled out cinnamon rolls using the same technique as before. Use the rolling pin to really make sure the cinnamon rolls are fully pressed together. Once you have the crust ready, use the parchment paper to flip the crust on top of the pie.
  7. Mix one egg with a splash of cold water to create an egg wash. Lightly brush the top crust with the egg wash.
  8. Cover the pie with tinfoil; tent the foil to keep it from touching the top crust of the pie. Set pie in oven to bake for 30 minutes. After 30 minutes, remove the tinfoil and bake for ten more minutes uncovered.
  9. Remove from oven, and set pie to cool. While pie is cooling, combine the icings and heat. I like to use drizzle half all over the top and save the other half for anyone who wants to add some extra sweetness on the side.


This recipe is great if you add 1/2 cup of chopped pecans or walnuts to the apple filling. Feel free to substitute out half the sugar with brown sugar for an extra touch of sweetness.

I typically use the apples I have from our local orchard, which are Golden Delicious, but Granny Smith apples are great for baking too.


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Julia Pavao  |  Contribution: 935

author: Julia Pavao

Image: Spencer Davis/Pexels

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