September 19, 2020

Why RBG’s Death means Women should Stop Having Sex with Men (Yes, Really).

The moment Ruth Bader Ginsberg died, The Cut published an article called “Women Are All Texting Each Other One Word.” 

(The word, of course, was: f*ck.)

Anyone with even the most glancing knowledge of law and the Supreme Court knows exactly why. With Trump in the White House and McConnell as Senate Majority Leader, you can bet there will be a rush to bully the American public—with an eye especially aimed at progressives—and install a conservative in her place.

Yes, we all understand that the Republicans somehow managed to ignore Obama’s attempt at appointing Merrick Garland, using the logic that it was too close to the election. It doesn’t take a political science expert to understand that the GOP plays unapologetically by its own rules. They have proven in the past that they do not care how hypocritical they look. The party of Donald Trump stopped concerning itself with optics in 2016. It could be argued that it might’ve been even before that.

And while the legal doctrine of stare decisis (Latin for “Let the decision stand”) makes it impossible for these soldiers of morality to simply overturn Roe v. Wade, we have ample proof that they have no problem chipping away at women’s rights with a combination of dubious tactics and legal trickery. They will make it almost impossible for women to obtain reproductive health services, usually in the geographic areas where it is most needed.

I stayed up much of the night thinking about this until I remembered the comedy by Aristophanes, “Lysistrata.” If you’re not familiar with the plot, it is a comedic account of women’s mission to end a violent and bloody war in Greece by denying all men sex until they put an end to it.

It’s a great idea, isn’t it? Men want to dominate the Supreme Court and diminish women’s rights? Great. Have sex with yourself.

Don’t laugh. This strategy has been used in recent years to great effect. In 2003, Leymah Gbowee organized a sex strike to end Liberia’s terrible and bloody civil war. Not only was she successful in her goal, she was also awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2011.

In 2006, wives and girlfriends of gang members in the Colombian city of Periera stopped having sex with their men until they, too, stopped all the gore and bloodshed. By 2010, Periera’s murder rate dropped 26.5 percent. This was an incredible feat given the city’s former homicide rate, which ran about double the national average.

In 2009, Kenyan women enforced a sex ban until political infighting ceased. They didn’t have to wait long; within a week, there was peace in the Mindanao Island village where torture and murder were once an everyday reality.

It is lamentable, of course, that we live in a society where women’s strongest recourse for change oftentimes has to fall on something as intimate as sexual relations, but that is a discussion for another day.

Besides, conservative men in America have been weaponizing and politicizing the female body for far too many years. It only seems fitting that women take back their power and weaponize their own bodies. It makes a lot more sense.

Women should stop having sex with men until men stop trying to legislate women’s bodies.

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