September 19, 2020

Turn RBG’s Passing into a Fretful Political Discourse?—I Dissent.

Author's Own

Read here: Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s Final Words.


Of course, I was shocked when I saw the news, and my heart aches.

Tears well up in my eyes as I scroll through social media.

But I feel happy.

Because she lived.

She inspired me to pursue a law career, as a woman—free to dissent.

I know her wishes, what Trump will try to do, and how this will fuel the election fires.

And I want to say that none of that matters.

Because though she is gone now, the forces currently at work, the momentum she added to,

Are wheels in motion on the steady and heavy justice machine that weighs many, many tons.

And that is what gives me faith.

I believe in it with all my heart.

Good things are coming because of all the great work by grand people like Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

I’m celebrating her life and I’m smiling because I’m not afraid;

I feel victorious before the victory I am supposed to be fretting over.

I wish more people would join me in this knowing that we are never going to go backward,

Only forward, with fingernails that shine like justice.

God Bless Her and Keep Her.

All Rise in Heaven and on Earth.


With RBG’s untimely passing, Mitch McConnell’s own Words Say it Best.



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Jodi Felton  |  Contribution: 21,170

author: Jodi Felton

Image: National Museum of American Jewish History/Twitter

Image: Author's Own

Editor: Sukriti Chopra

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