November 1, 2020

Please Tell the Summits We are Coming. {Poem}

We woke up by a ray of sunlight.
The mountains are calling.
The day is dawning,
and we…
we’re still in bed spooning,
while the birds outside are humming.

Oh, please tell the summits
we are coming.

We dressed up like Bonnie and Clyde.
Our love language is fluent—
we’re kind of moving as a unit.
But with you,
babe, with you by my side,
there’s no need for hiding or running.

Oh, please tell the summits
we are coming.

We always loved to get lost in nature.
If only we could live in this sequoia next to the sea.
Ah, babe, this dream smells like the finest poetry.
And you to me,
you to me are so much greater
than this giant tree—oh, hold me dear,
and please tell the summits
we are near.

We watched the sunset
while making our last steps to the top,
where you and I could rise above,
and there’s nothing,
nothing that I would rather do,
than leaving behind every past fear.

Oh, please tell the summits
we are here.



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Janine Friedrich  |  Contribution: 7,750

author: Janine Friedrich

Image: sept commercial/Unsplash

Editor: Elyane Youssef

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