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October 18, 2020

Navigating stress and anxiety!

Stress and Anxiety aren’t everyone’s worry. But, those who experience these in big amounts would vouch for the fact that functioning of life gets toppled.

I struggle to even get out of bed sometimes, due to unknown fears and pressures. Whether it’s the toxicity that we live around or grew up in, being able to stay calm is the goal for life.

It’s easy to meditate and practice mindfulness in non stressful situations,but when the real moment arises, our body acts only with what’s inculcated in it already. Even the medications don’t provide us with an authentic solution – they just subside the symptoms like trembling movements and a pacing heart beat.

Two things that have worked for me big time and seem like the best ways out are –

  1. Sitting through the emotions
  2. Talking to myself

Now, by sitting through the emotions what I mean is instead of looking for quick relief (Cigarettes, Liquor or Social Media), let the feelings and weird body movements take their course.

We shouldn’t try to shut up the signs our body and soul are sending us. They’re saying that there is some work to be done inside. When anxiety or stress hit you, go to your room, into the washroom or nearest open space to give yourself solitude to get to the next step. You deserve your own space, go claim it!

Then, you have to parent talk yourself. Just like a loving parent who is very wise and supportive , talk to your inner child and tell him/her that “we’ll  handle the situation, whatever it is”.

Then label the feelings you are having properly(scared, overwhelmed, sad) and remind the child how they have handled many such or even more emotionally charged situations in the past.

You’ll notice your confidence coming back and the situation that got you all tensed up 5 minutes ago is walking away.

Another thing I do (super helpful and I call it “reversed remedy”) is to notice the tension in my body parts when I first feel stressed or anxious. Maybe my palms are closed tight, the shoulders are raised – I relax them first. It makes you more aware of the situation and we act in a mindful manner.

Conventional methods teach us to fight these signs and bury them into the ground. But, these signs are like advices from our best friends who are suggesting us to look inwards to repair some faulty belief and response systems. Please listen to them!

Love and gratitude


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