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October 12, 2020

Twenty Signs You’re a Gifted Person

So you’ve never really fit in, but you can’t put your finger on it. Giftedness is a rarerity, even more rare than High Sensitivity and Empathic qualities. Here are fifteen signs you are gifted:

  1. You’re curious about the world
  2. You’re genuinely interested in people/what they’re doing
  3. You can’t stop learning about everything  (but school and formal education seems stifling to you; you want to learn by researching and absorbing information, and making your own conclusions, rather than memorizing facts and regurgitating lessons).
  4. You’re more introverted, preferring solo activities to group ones
  5. You’re more comfortable with words, rather than speaking (so text, email, and chats are more your thing)
  6. You’re imaginative and creative (and daydream a little)
  7. You’re sensitive to people’s needs
  8. You’re funny and enjoy the company of funny people
  9. You’re introspective and reflect on things more before taking action
  10. You’re quiet and have a small group of close friends who you can easily talk about more in-depth topics with, rather than engage in small talk with total strangers (you abore small talk)
  11. You like music and seem to get chills when you listen to something that really connects with you
  12. You’re a dang perfectionist!
  13. You dislike competition, prefer cooperation
  14.  You struggle with compare and despair
  15. You struggle with imposter syndrome
  16. You’ve got eccentric interests/jobs that aren’t mainstream and that other people might find either interesting or weird
  17. You’re indepent and self-reliant and don’t seek out friends/romantic partners ‘just because’/you’re ‘bored’
  18. You make connections/friends with people from different cultures, socio-economic statuses, genders, abilities, and ages.
  19. You like to challenge yourself to grow/develop into someone better (and challenge others to do the same as well)
  20. You’re a darn overthinker! Not in an anxious sense of what ‘could’ potentially go wrong, but rather you think A LOT about EVRYTHING. Yes, you could be anxious, but anxious thoughts are often accompanied or overthrown by philosophical pondering.



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