November 1, 2020

Dear Sensitive One: Your Sensitivity is not a Curse.

Good evening.

I see you’re crying again.

Don’t worry about the sheets. I’ll wash them tomorrow.

What do you need?

Can I hold your hand?

You don’t want to be touched?

It’s okay. I understand.

You know, your sensitivity is not something to fix.

DBT is not your answer.

Nor is CBT or medication.

I think you know this—but let me remind you.

The answer is that pen and journal sitting on your nightstand.

I know you’re hurting.

I know you struggle to speak.

I also know there is a story within you that is wanting to be told.

You have a way with words.

A reader once said there’s a leader within you.

I see it.

Maybe you struggle to speak.

Maybe you chip at your nail polish feverishly when you sit across from someone.

Maybe this is true.

You’re a speech-language pathologist though, and you know that you don’t have to use your voice in order to say something.

I hope that one day you grab that pen and paper and share your story.

The world needs to hear from you.

Your sensitivity is not a curse.

It’s the most beautiful quality about you.

Chanel it, make art and let the world see your truth.

They are waiting to hear from you, and so am I.


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