December 9, 2020

Diving into Vulnerability & Connection with Elephant author David Baumrind. {Interview}

If you’ve been reading Elephant for a while, you’re probably familiar with his writing, but let’s hear his voice: David Baumrind.

When David started writing, it was part of his healing journey, which led him to share inspirational articles on childhood trauma, codependency, and addiction with us.

Hundreds of thousands of reads later, David has inspired many of us to reflect on our own journey and evolve as human beings. But he also writes about timely topics such as white privilege and shares his experiences as a paramedic during the pandemic.

On top of that, he is a kind human being who is known to connect with other authors and to support their work. As many of our authors did, David started his writing career by joining the Elephant Academy.

David likes to integrate the wisdom of well-known authors like Eckhart TolleGabor Maté, and Anne Lamott. Last but not least, he shares his perspective on relationships as a male author, which is inspiring men to show up in a more vulnerable and authentic way and gives our female readers an insight on how many men are feeling these days.

I had the pleasure of talking with David about his personal healing process and how his writing helped him to overcome difficult times after the passing of his father. He shares his perspective on vulnerability and reminds us of the personal growth that happens when we learn to share our emotions with others.

We hope you enjoy this interview with David Baumrind:

Thank you, David Baumrind, for taking the time to Walk the Talk with us and consistently sharing words that are of benefit to readers all around the world.

Follow him on Elephant Journal so you don’t miss any of his upcoming articles.



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