January 30, 2021

6 Things I Know Almost for Sure—based on Anne Lamott’s TED Talk.

Anne Lamott gave this amazing and inspiring TED talk sharing the 12 truths she has learned from life and writing.

I honestly don’t know that many so I want to share the few ones I know, almost for sure. I have never asked myself this question, so I will answer as honestly and straightforwardly as I can.

What do I know almost for sure:

COVID-19 sucks.

It’s sad to see the devastation that people we love are dealing with, but it has also shone a light in each one of us. A light to the question—where am I going? And to put it more simply, what am I doing with this life given to me. I believe we have questioned our priorities and life, and for many, there has definitely been a need to make changes and adjustments toward a more mindful life.

Another thing I know almost for sure:

Mental exercise does not make you lose weight.

I have tried it, and even with all these meditation exercises, I’ve lost no weight. They actually make me hungry even though it feels great to meditate.

Third, I almost know for sure:

We will all be gone; for every birth, it is certain that death will come.

Even though we might feel like time shall be always on our side, our days on Earth have most definitely an expiration date. Laugh hard, go after all those crazy ideas, love without expectations, and give your all to life. Once we go back to the stars, I believe all the love that we shared, through words, through kisses, to all kinds of sweet acts, are the treasure we can leave behind us that can truly never die.

Fourth, I know almost for sure:

After every single heartbreak, love will still find us.

We may feel like after so many bad experiences, disappointments, or wrong loves, we will not feel love again. Truth is, love always comes,  and if our heart is open to it, it will find its way to us.

After the pain our hearts can feel, we might feel weak, but we are in fact stronger, sometimes wiser, not always. Maybe more careful or selective. I wish to believe that nothing can stop the heart from thumping its way through love; nothing will raise your heart rate as much as love, except hardcore HIIT exercise, but that is not the topping here, that is a whole different subject, and I am still learning about it.

Fifth, I know almost for sure:

That there can only be loss for the battle not fought; in every trial, there are lessons, treasures to be discovered.

We won’t know if we don’t try. Can we agree that experience is not only good or bad, it can be our friend? It shines a light on what we want, but also shines on what we don’t want, and that can have a positive effect in shaping our lives.

And lastly, I know almost for sure:

If you dream, it is possible; if you believe, it is even more, for sure!

I hope through my next decade in life I can add some more things to this short list.

What are the things that you almost know for sure?



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