January 23, 2021

How it Feels to be Spiritually Conscious in an Unconscious Family.


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I believe we are all here for a reason.

It’s either to learn something about ourselves and grow or to have an impact on those around us.

I once read a theory that the biological family we are born into is often with those we have karmic knots with (from past lives) that ought to be resolved.

Unfortunately, we don’t have a choice regarding the family that we are born into, regardless if we love them or feel an obligation to play our role within the family.

Those who are mentally unwell can manipulate and control the relationships within a family, creating a toxic environment. When others in our family choose to shut down and live in denial of this behavior, it can feel isolating and make us question our intuition and emotions. This also makes it extremely hard for boundary setting to occur—conscious people must work hard to validate their own emotions.

There is an insidious veil of unconsciousness, which spreads shadows throughout time and space, making us question our own perspective and needs.

Our voice is silenced, and we struggle to cultivate inner peace. It is devaluing when “living in the past” and “getting over it” are used as a bargaining chip toward accepting toxic people into our lives.

From a young age, my survival mechanism was to be hypervigilant in order to avoid conflict and to be safe.

Trauma at a young age made me fearful of conflict, and I felt the need to take on the role of the happy-go-lucky person who lifted the mood to redirect harmful situations. This impacted my social life and intimate relationships, making me insecure and a people pleaser by always trying to agree with everyone in order to avoid upsetting others.

When we feel broken and misunderstood, it feels much easier to give in to the unconscious behavior surrounding us, and we often feel torn apart by this dichotomy.

Yet, there is an unrelenting positive light that calls upon us to learn and grow into a more mindful and conscious person despite our environment. We may not understand the broad complexities that brought us into this life or why there is conflict and struggle when most people innately want love, connection, and peace.

Growing into a more conscious person allows us to expand our intuition, trust our core emotions, and cultivate positive change in the world.

We must not give in to the unconscious world around us, and remember to turn inward and continue to validate ourselves.

This journey is far from easy, and it takes many hours of self-work through meditation, inner child healing, therapy, and building connections with more conscious people.

Although it would be so much easier if we could impart our wisdom onto others and help them see the reality around us, we have no control over other people and their way of thinking and behavior.

All we can do is to continue our own path toward consciousness, and we will discover love and acceptance among those who validate who we are.


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author: Chelsea Knowles

Image: tarnellisart/Instagram

Editor: Elizabeth Brumfield

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