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January 24, 2021

To Mask or Not to Mask – Is that the Question?

*Elephant is not your doctor or hospital. Our lawyers would say “this web site is not designed to, and should not be construed to provide medical advice, professional diagnosis, opinion or treatment to you or any other individual, and is not intended as a substitute for medical or professional care and treatment. Always consult a health professional before trying out new home therapies or changing your diet.” But we can’t afford lawyers, and you knew all that. ~ Ed.


If you want to have controversy, start a conversation about wearing masks and all of sudden everyone will come out of the woodwork, broadcasting their opinions and justifications from every angle of reality.  Yet while the debate marches on, the decision to wear or not wear a mask goes far deeper than the surface, demanding us to examine our relationship with Divinity and the mystery of being human.

Recently, I saw a video featuring Deepak Chopra (renowned advocate of higher consciousness) and Sadhguru (enlightened avatar) have a conversation, where Chopra spoke of the virus inevitably mutating, rendering the vaccine meant to release the people from the protocol of the mask ineffective. While this doesn’t say anything specifically about the masks, it brings up the idea that the incentive to wear them could continue for quite some time.  Such is a meaningful contemplation for it says something about the nature of Nature, of the deeper patterns within our lives and the causal roots of our manifestation, of the way we move within the world.

While we cannot always see the consequences of our actions before they happen, there is a constancy beneath the choices we make in our lives.  Life is always a divination, one way or another,  bringing us invariably into the realm of spirituality.  Of what makes things happen, and the fine line of imagination and discernment in what is.

For me, it comes down to the nature of causality itself. The karmic reasons why someone will or will not get sick, will or will not die, etc. in the context of the much larger unfoldment of our collective consciousness. And while we may have any number of vibrational approaches to our experience, ultimately all things are the province of the Divine, and all points of view serve the stories of one another, triggering and resolving the various selves in the unfoldment of those deeper and more causal threads.

Yet while this is the fundamental beneath all things, it *does not give solace* to beings who cannot see those threads of causality and who are deeply emotionally invested in one ideology or another.  To speak of things that lay beyond most beings horizon of perception can be both empowering and useless, for while there are many points of view and degrees of awareness of those subtle energies, ultimately beings do what they can with what they have. Sometimes they advocate not wearing a mask and cite it’s ineffectiveness, other times they speak of wearing a mask and it’s implications of social humanism.  Yet one way or another, they have a point of view rooted in the mystery and imagination of what may happen and how much influence we have over our life.

From my vantage, this speaks to a deeper issue. To the more perennial and constant nature of the human experience and the agitations within our nervous system, the subconscious patterns, the reactions and responses, all of which bring us into deeper easement and health or further into a place of vulnerability to *whatever* is in the atmosphere at any given moment.  In this context, it is less about whether or not we wear a mask and more about how we manage our own energies, applying the various techniques of mindfulness and inner guidance as we are able to make our way through the world.

Such is a common thing among us all, going beyond the preferences and politics of whether or not we cover our face.  Rather, it is a look into what will calm our body, about what we can do to have peace of mind and the gift of that stillness in the face of the looming unknown.

Here, the idea of a mask becomes less about the specific science of the thing and it’s proponents or detractors and more about the relationship with one’s own inner compass. I have seen beings wearing a mask while driving, as if they are afraid to infect themselves within a closed space. I have seen beings sitting down at a table in a small enclosed space, breathing and eating without masks on, I have seen individuals kissing and touching each other in sacred human contact with no barriers between them, I have seen beings gathering in crowds covered in masks, the list goes on and on.

WHEN does one wear a mask? Such is the same intricate question of whether one wears a prophylactic or embraces a true nakedness with one another (with mutual consent, of course). The idea here is that *regardless* of the many points-of-view and their validations, whether or not we view the mask as a submission to perceived propaganda or an act of humane compassion to self and others, there are circumstances when we don’t wear it, and these are always about our own divination, our own guidance, with the best awareness that we have in any given moment.

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