February 5, 2021

7 Signs of being Emotionally Drained by a Relationship.

Relationships: they’re the best and the worst, aren’t they?

The introduction to the video (below) asks:

“Have you been feeling drained and burnt out lately but don’t seem to know why? Are you usually positive and upbeat, but have now become more upset, anxious, and stressed than you’ve ever been in your life?

Do you think there might be someone in your life triggering all these negative feelings in you?”

Here are a few warning signs your relationship (any kind) is leaving you emotionally exhausted:

1. You dread interacting with them.

2. You feel uneasy around them.

3. You often ignore their calls and texts.

4. You’ve started avoiding them altogether.

5. You need to unwind after talking to them.

6. You need to vent to someone about them.

7. You experience physical symptoms: headaches, upset stomach, fatigue, and other symptoms of anxiety.


Watch for more details:

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Kate Force  |  Contribution: 652,060

author: Kate Force

Image: Kate Kozyrka/unsplash

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