February 4, 2021

How do you Know when it’s Time to Leave?


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Do you just wake up one morning and know today is the day?

How did you know that time was up?

Was there a special sign?

Did the birds sing differently?

Did the sky give you a warning?

Did you just know one day that you needed to change your bed and listen to a completely different snore?

Did you just start trusting the blooms on the other side of the fence and see more and more weeds on yours?

Is that how it works? You trust what could be and start to pack up your life?

Did Facebook tell you it was time to archive all your memories? Is that how you knew?

Is it like knowing it’s time to replace your battery instead of charging your old phone?

Did they know it was time too? Did they get all the same signs?

How did you know?

I know I should be scrolling my Insta newsfeed instead of trying to figure this out. But I really would like to know.

“How do you know?” I say out loud as I toss and turn in bed.

Can someone please explain it to me because I really need to get out of this bed.


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Chathu De Silva  |  Contribution: 1,215

author: Chathu De Silva

Image: _minimalista/Instagram

Editor: Nicole Cameron

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